4 2DAY
|Mar 15 >> Events, deaths, births, of MAR 14 [For Mar 14 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Mar 24 1700s: Mar 25 1800s: Mar 26 1900~2099: Mar 27] |
![]() 2002 Vojislav Kostunica, president of Yugoslavia (consisting of Serbia and Montenegro), and Milo Djukanovic, president of Montenegro, sign an agreement (which must be ratified by both parliaments) to drop the name Yugoslavia and replace it by Serbia and Montenegro as a loose federation. ![]() 2002 The US Senate Judiciary Committee, 10 Democrats to 9 Republicans, rejects President George W. Bush (Jr.)'s nomination of conservative Mississippi judge Charles W. Pickering Sr., 64, to a federal appeals court. Some of Pickering's past actions were anti-Black. For example at a 1994 trial Pickering successfully pressured prosecutors to drop a charge against the one Ku Klux Klan defendant who was convicted, as mandating too severe a sentence. 2001 Duratek stock plunges. At 08:17 ET Duratek postpones release of 4th quarter and year-end results. Its stock (DRTK) falls $3.37 to $3.04. It had traded as high as $19.19 on 22 April 1996 and its previous low in the last 5 years had been $4.50 on 5 April 1999. Then at 18:27 ET there is announced an ongoing investigation of Duratek for possible violations of federal securities laws. Duratek provides waste treatment solutions for radioactive, hazardous, mixed, and other wastes for commercial and government waste operations. It had acquired Waste Management Nuclear Services. [5year stock price graph >] . 2001 First National Heroes Day of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, though the nation does not yet have any officially designated hero. A likely candidate might be Joseph Chatoyer, chief of the so-called Black Carib Afro-Indians who fought British colonialists in the 18th century. 2000 La empresa dependiente del Instituto Roslin de Edimburgo, creadora en 1996 de la oveja clónica Dolly, anuncia el nacimiento de Millie, Christa, Alexis, Carrel y Dotcom, los cinco primeros cerdos clónicos del mundo 1993 An independent UN-sponsored commission released a report blaming the bulk of atrocities 1993 Los andorranos se pronuncian en referéndum a favor (72%) de su primera Constitución, que establece instituciones democráticas. 1992 Soviet newspaper Pravda suspends publication. [and that's the truth] 1991 Emir of Kuwait returns to Kuwait City, after the Iraqis leave 1991 Speakers at a Los Angeles Police Commission hearing demanded the ouster of Chief Daryl F. Gates in the wake of the videotaped police beating of motorist Rodney King. |
1986 European Space Agency's Giotto flies by Halley's
Comet (605 km)
1951 During Korean War, UN forces recapture Seoul.
1947 El Senado estadounidense aprueba el Plan Marshall.
Mannerheim issues Order of the Day Nr. 34. General Headquarters, 14 March 1940 Soldiers of the glorious Finnish army! Peace has been concluded between Finland and Soviet Russia, a harsh peace in which Soviet Russia has been ceded nearly every battlefield on which you have shed your blood on behalf of everything we hold sacred and dear. You did not want war; you loved peace, work and progress; but you were forced into a struggle in which you have achieved great deeds, deeds that will shine for centuries in the annals of history. Soldiers! I have fought on many a battlefield, but never have I seen such warriors as you. I am as proud of you as if you were my own children; I am as proud of the man from the northern fells as of the son of Ostrobothnia's plains, of the Karelian forests, the hills of Savo, the fertile fields of Häme and Satakunta, the leafy glades of Uusimaa and Varsinais-Suomi. I am equally proud of the sacrifice of the factory worker and the poor crofter as of that of the wealthy. With joy and pride my thoughts dwell on the women of the Lotta Svärd on their spirit of self-sacrifice and untiring work in myriad fields, work which has freed thousands of men to fight at the front. Their noble spirit has given inspiration and support to the army, and they have thoroughly earned our gratitude and respect. A place of honor has also been earned by the thousands of workers who, often as volunteers and during air raids, have worked on their machines to provide the army with vital supplies, and those, too, who have labored unflinchingly under fire to strengthen our defensive positions. On behalf of our native land, I thank you all.. Ylipäällikkö marsalkka Mannerheimin päiväkäskystä n:o 34. Päämaja, 14.maaliskuuta.1940 Suomen kunniakkaan armeijan sotilaat! Rauha on solmittu maamme ja Neuvosto-Venäjän välillä, ankara rauha, joka on Neuvosto-Venäjälle luovuttanut melkeinpä jokaisen taistelukentän, millä Te olette vuodattaneet vertanne kaiken sen puolesta, mitä me pidämme kalliina ja pyhänä. Te ette tahtoneet sotaa, Te rakastitte rauhaa, työtä ja kehitystä, mutta Teidät pakotettiin taisteluun, jossa olette tehneet suurtöitä, tekoja, jotka vuosisatoja tulevat loistamaan historian lehdillä. Sotilaat! Olen taistellut monilla tantereilla, mutta en ole vielä nähnyt vertaisianne sotureita. Olen ylpeä Teistä kuin olisitte omia lapsiani, yhtä ylpeä tunturien miehestä Pohjolassa kuin Pohjanmaan lakeuksien, Karjalan metsien, Savon kumpujen, Hämeen ja Satakunnan viljavien vainioiden, Uudenmaan ja Varsinais-Suomen lauhojen lehtojen pojista. Olen ylpeä uhrista, jonka tarjoaa tehdastyöläinen ja köyhän majan poika siinä kuin rikaskin. Ilolla ja ylpeydellä ajattelen Suomen lottia ja heidän osuuttaan sodassa heidän uhrimieltään ja uupumatonta työtään eri aloilla, mikä on vapauttanut tuhansia miehiä tulilinjoille. Heidän jalo henkensä on kannustanut ja tukenut armeijaa, jonka kiitollisuuden ja arvonannon he ovat täysin saavuttaneet. Kunniapaikalla ovat myös sodan ankarana aikana seisoneet ne tuhannet työläiset, jotka, usein vapaaehtoisina, ilmahyökkäystenkin aikana ovat tehneet työtä koneittensa ääressä valmistaen armeijalle sen tarpeita, sekä ne, jotka herpaantumatta vihollisen tulessa ovat työskennelleet asemien varustamisessa. -Kiitän heitä isänmaan puolesta. Ur överbefälhavare, marskalk Mannerheims dagorder nr. 34 Huvudstaben den 14 mars 1940 Soldater av Finlands ärorika armé! Fred har slutits mellan vårt land och Sovjet-Ryssland, en hård fred som till Sovjet utlämnat så gott som varje slagfält, på vilket ni gjutit ert blod för allt vad vi skatta dyrt och heligt. Ni ville ej kriget, ni älskade freden, arbetet och framåtskridandet, men kampen blev er påtvingad. I den har ni uträttat storverk, som för sekler framåt skall stråla på hävdens blad. Soldater! Jag har kämpat på många slagfält, men jag har ännu ej sett er like som krigsmän. Jag är stolt över er som om ni vore mina egna barn, lika stolt över mannen från tundrorna i norr som över sönerna från Österbottens vida slätter, Karelens skogar, Savolax leende bygder, Tavastlands och Satakundas rika gårdar, Nylands och Egentliga Finlands björkomsusade hagar. Jag är lika stolt över fabriksarbetaren och den fattiga stugans son som över den rike mannens insats av lem och liv. Med glädje och stolthet tänker jag på Finlands lottor och deras insats i kriget deras offervilja och oförtrutna arbete på olika områden, vilket frigjort tusentals män till stridslinjerna. De har med sin upphöjda anda sporrat och stött armén, vars tacksamhet och uppskattning de till fullo förvärvat. En hederspost har de tusentals arbetare beklätt, vilka under krigets bittra tid troget och ofta som frivilliga under flyganfall stått vid sina maskiner förfärdigande material för arméns behov, samt de vilka oförtrutet under fiendens eld arbetat vid befästningsarbeten.Jag tackar er alla på fosterlandets vägnar. THE WINTER WAR, The heavily outnumbered Finns put up a skillful and effective defense that winter, and the Red Army made little progress. In February 1940, however, the Soviets used massive artillery bombardments to breach the Mannerheim Line (the Finns' southern defensive barrier stretching across the Karelian Isthmus), after which they streamed northward across the isthmus to the Finnish city of Viipuri (Vyborg). Unable to secure help from Britain and France, the exhausted Finns made peace on Soviet terms on 12 March 1940, agreeing to the cession of western Karelia and to the construction of a Soviet naval base on the Hanko Peninsula. |
1939 Nazis dismember the republic of Czechoslovakia.
Tras la entrada de tropas alemanas en Checoslovaquia, se proclama
la independencia de Eslovaquia. 1937 Pio XI se pronuncia contra el nazismo en su encíclica Mit brenender Sorge (En mi angustiosa inquietud). 1936 Detención en Madrid de José Antonio Primo de Rivera, por "quebrantamiento de clausura gubernativa" del local de Falange. 1933 Civilian Conservation Corp, begins tree conservation. 1916 I Guerra Mundial: Los alemanes toman por asalto las alturas del "Mort-Homme", frente a Verdún. 1912 El rey de Italia es herido en Roma por un anarquista. 1900 US Congress ratifies the Gold Standard Act. 1863 Confederate batteries at Port Hudson, Louisiana fire on a Union squadron sinking USS Mississippi but USS Albatross and USS Hartford run the Port Hudson gantlet 1862 New Bern, North Carolina captured 1862 Union forces capture New Madrid, Missouri. 1861 La Cámara de Diputados italiana, reunida en Turín, proclama el Estado Unitario de Italia.
1713 Se firma el Tratado de Rastadt, acuerdo entre España, Inglaterra y Austria que pone fin a la guerra de Sucesión española. 1644 England grants patent for Providence Plantations (now Rhode Island) 1629 Royal charter granted Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1519 Hernán Cortés desembarca en las costas del Golfo de México con 700 hombres para emprender la conquista del país. |
which occurred on a March 14: 2002 Israelis St.-Sgt. Matan Biderman, 21, of Carmiel; St.-Sgt. Ala Hubeishi, 21, of Julis; and Sgt. Rotem Shani, 19, of Hod Hasharon, on the Karni-Netzarim road in the Gaza Strip, by an explosive charge detonated by remote-control from a nearby mosque beneath their tank escorting a civilian convoy. Two Israeli soldiers are injured. 2001 Aleobiga Aberima, 23, shot at his request to check the effectiveness of the bulletproofing treatment by a herb concoction which he and some 15 others had applied for two weeks, as prescribed by the jujuman of their village of Lambu, Ghana. The villagers then beat up the jujuman until a village elder rescues him. 1995 William Alfred Fowler, astrofísico estadounidense y Premio Nobel de Física en 1983. 1992 Steven Brian Pennell, 34, first executed in Delaware in 45 years 1989 Más de 50 muertos y unos 150 heridos es una de las jornadas más sangrientas de la guerra civil en el Líbano. 1980 All 87 persons aboard a Polish airliner which crashes while making an emergency landing near Warsaw. The dead include 22 members of a US amateur boxing team. 1973 Aiken, mathematician.
1883 Karl Marx, in London, author of "The Communist Manifesto" 1877 Juan Manuel de Rosas, ex-presidente argentino. 1752 Charles-Antoine Coypel, French artist born on 11 July 1694 LINKS Philippe Coypel (brother of the artist) 1730 Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen II, Flemish artist born on 04 April 1664. 1682 Jacob Isaakszoon van Ruisdael, Dutch painter specialized in Landscapes born in 1628 or 1629. MORE ON RUISDAEL AT ART 4 MARCH LINKS Bentheim Castle (mega-image) another Bentheim Castle and another The Castle at Bentheim Landscape with Waterfall (mega-image) Mountainous Landscape with Waterfall (mega-image) The Windmill at Wijk-bij-Duurstede (mega-image) _ The Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede . _ detail View of Haarlem (mega-image) Water mill (mega-image) Rough Sea (1670) Wheatfields, detail The Great Forest The Great Oak Landscape with a House in the Grove View of Amsterdam _ detail View of Haarlem with Bleaching Grounds Two Water Mills and an Open Sluice The Hunt The Jewish Cemetery another The Jewish Cemetery Landscape with Church and Village The Marsh in a Forest An Extensive Landscape with a Ruined Castle and a Village Church Landscape with Waterfall Waterfall by a Church Waterfall in a Mountainous Northern Landscape Wheat Fields Winter Landscape 11 prints at FAMSF 1671 Willem Eversdyck, Dutch artist. 1410 Luca Aretino Nicolo de Piero Lorenzo Spinelli, Italian artist born between 1330 and 1346. 0968 Santa Matilde. |
which occurred on a March 14:
1943 Elson Bakili Muluzi, político malauiano. 1937 Baltasar Porcel Pujol, escritor español. 1931 First theater designed for rear projector, the Trans-Lux Theater opens in Manhattan, the first theater specifically designed and built to show movies that were rear-projected. 1929 Jordi Nadal Oller, historiador, profesor y escritor español. 1928 Frank Borman Gary Ind, astronaut (Gemini 7, Apollo 8), Eastern Airline president. 1920 Hank Ketcham, cartoonist ("Dennis the Menace").
1905 Raymond Aron, French sociologist, historian and political commentator who died on 17 October 1983. 1903 Adolph Gottlieb, US Abstract Expressionist painter who died on 04 March 1974. estadounidense. 1892 John Fulton Jack Folinsbee, US artist who died on 10 May 1972. MORE ON FOLINSBEE AT ART 4 MARCH 1889 Arturo Capdevila, poeta e historiador argentino.
![]() 1864 Kürschák, mathematician. 1864 John Luther Casey Jones, US railroad engineer (nicknamed from Cayce, Kentucky, where he had lived). He died after a loose bolt hit him in the neck at 03:52 on 30 April 1900 one hand on the brake control and the other on the whistle's of his locomotive, in a collision with a stopped freight train which extended past the siding into the main track, after telling his fireman Simon Webb to jump.[diagram >]. This was made famous in ballads (not particularly accurate) [the real story in detail].. 1862 Vilhelm Bjerknes, mathematician. 1854 Thomas Riley Marshall (D) 28th VP (1913-21) 1854 Paul Ehrlich Germany, bacteriologist (1908 Nobel prize for medicine; founded chemotherapy, discovered Salvarsan - a remedy for syphilis, developed antitoxin for diphtheria). He died on 20 August 1915. 1836 Jules-Joseph Lefebvre, French Academic painter who died on 24 February 1911. MORE ON LEFEBVRE AT ART 4 MARCH LINKS Flora Girl with a Mandolin Mary Magdalen in the Grotto Ophelia Truth The Language of the Fan Chloé 1835 Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, Italian astronomer and senator who died on 04 July 1910. On 05 September 1877, Mars came to a perihelic opposition approaching to within 56 million km of Earth.. Starting to observe Mars soon after that, at the Brera Observatory in Milan, Schiaparelli, using a telescope only 22 cm in diameter, made a map of Mars and named many previously unobserved features. He thought he glimpsed fine, straight lines visible when Earth's atmosphere was unusually still. When he reported his discovery, he used the Italian word canali (channels). But the word was translated into English as canals, artificially dug channels, and the "canals of Mars" were born. Many astronomers could not see the canals, whereas others drew maps showing hundreds. In the decades that followed Schiaparelli's discovery, many people assumed that the canals were real water courses built by an intelligent race on Mars to carry water from the polar caps to the lower latitudes. Much of this excitement was generated by Percival Lowell, a wealthy Bostonian who founded Lowell Observatory in 1894, principally for the study of Mars. He not only mapped hundreds of canals but also publicized his results. [See online book: The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery, particularly Chapter 5]
1814 Ferdinand Konrad Bellermann, German artist who died on 11 August 1889. 1804 Johann Strauss the Elder, Viennese violinist, composer (waltzes, Radetzky March). He died on 24 September 1849. 1794 Cotton gin is patented by Eli Whitney, it would revolutionize the US cotton industry. 1782 Thomas Hart Benton (rep), "Old Bullion" 1752 Jean Frédéric Schall (or Challe), French artist who died on 24 March 1825. [Shall Schall ever have his work shown on the internet? I can find no examples of it now.] 1752 Paul Christiaen van Pol, Dutch artist who died on 21 May 1813. 1681 Georg Philipp Telemann Magdeburg, Germany, late baroque composer, who wrote both sacred and secular music but was most admired for his church compositions, which ranged from small cantatas to large-scale works for soloists, chorus, and orchestra. He died on 25 June 1767 in Hamburg. |
Heaven Mom was trying to console Susie, whose dog had recently died. You know, it's not your fault that the dog died. I'm sure God took him up into heaven and right now is having a grand old time with him. Susie, still crying, said What would God want with a dead dog? |