“4” “2”DAY |Feb
25 >> Events, deaths, births, of FEB 24 [For Feb 24 Julian go to Gregorian date (leap years one day earlier) 1583~1699: Mar 06 1700s: Mar 07 1800s: Mar 08 1900~2099: Mar 09] |
1999 Clinton impeachment aftermath (1) NBC finally airs its interview with Juanita Broaddrick, 56, the woman who alleges Bill Clinton raped her in an Arkansas hotel room in 1978. "It was a real panicky, panicky situation," Broaddrick tells Myers. "I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling, to you know to please stop. But that's when he would press down on my right shoulder and he would bite on my lip." MYERS: You're saying that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted you, that he raped? Ms. BROADDRICK: Yes. MYERS: And you have no there's no doubt in your mind that that's what happened? Ms. BROADDRICK: No doubt whatsoever. (2) Clinton refuses comment earlier in the day on Broaddrick's allegations, saying he stands by the statement of his attorney, David Kendall. (3) The NBC interview of Broaddrick was taped January 20 but held by NBC until tonight's airing. |
(4) The question of whether Attorney General Janet Reno
has authority to investigate allegations of misconduct by Ken Starr's office
may be decided by the three-judge panel that appointed him. CNN reports
that the panel has given Reno and Starr 15 days to outline their positions
on the question of whether the Justice Department should investigate the
independent counsel. The three-judge panel is headed by David Sentelle of
(5) Created in the wake of the Watergate scandal, but increasingly under assault from Republican and Democratic lawmakers, the Independent Counsel Act will likely undergo a major overhaul, if it survives at all. Battered by years of criticism first by Republican administrations under investigation, and now by Democrats in the wake of Kenneth Starr's five-year investigation of President Bill Clinton, the statute has few fans on Capitol Hill. |
1998 El FBI y la policía de EE.UU destapan una red dedicada
a la venta de órganos humanos procedentes de presos chinos ejecutados en
su país. 1998 La Asamblea Nacional de Poder Popular (Parlamento) elige por unanimidad a Fidel Castro Ruz como presidente del Consejo de Estado, el máximo órgano de poder en Cuba. 1997 US Robotics ships its 56K modems, a week later than expected. Shortly after, Rockwell would announce its own 56K modem, which worked on a different standard than the US Robotics version. Many confused consumers hold off purchasing higher-speed modems until the two companies agree on a standard in early 1998. 1997 South Africa announces that it is constructing largest modern day blimp 1996 Cuba downs two small American planes that it claims were violating Cuban airspace. 1995 The Dow-Jones Industrial Average reaches a record 4011.74
1985 Birendra, Bir Bikram Shah Dev crowned King of Nepal 1984 Iraq resumes air attack on Iran. 1984 Brunei celebra su independencia de la Corona británica. 1983 Dow Jones closes above 1100 mark for first time 1983 A US congressional commission releases a report condemning the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II as a "grave injustice." |
1979 War between North and South Yemen begins. 1979 Highest price ever paid for a pig, $42'500, Stamford TX 1978 Enrique Fuentes Quintana, vicepresidente segundo y ministro de Asuntos Económicos de España, presenta su dimisión, circunstancia que aprovecha Adolfo Suárez González para realizar otros cambios en el Gabinete formado hace un año. 1977 President Carter announces US foreign aid will consider human rights 1976 Cuba adopts its constitution. Entra en vigor la actual Constitución cubana, aprobada un año antes por el Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. 1974 Pakistan officially recognizes Bangladesh. 1971 Algeria nationalizes French oil companies. 1968 first pulsar discovered (CP 1919 by Jocelyn Burnell at Cambridge) |
1968 Tet offensive halted
as Hue is reconquered. The Imperial Palace in Hue is recaptured by South Vietnamese troops. Although the Battle of Hue was not officially declared over for another week, it was the last major engagement of the Tet Offensive. At dawn on the first day of the Tet holiday truce, Viet Cong forces, supported by large numbers of North Vietnamese troops, launched the largest and best-coordinated offensive of the war, driving into the center of South Vietnam's seven largest cities and attacking 30 provincial capitals ranging from the Delta to the DMZ. Among the cities taken during the first four days of the offensive were Hue, Dalat, Kontum, and Quang Tri; in the north, all five provincial capitals were overrun. At the same time, enemy forces shelled numerous allied airfields and bases. Nearly 1000 Viet Cong were believed to have infiltrated Saigon, and it required a week of intense fighting by an estimated 11'000 US and South Vietnamese troops to dislodge them. By February 10, the offensive was largely crushed, but with heavy casualties on both sides. The former Imperial capital of Hue took almost a month of savage house-to-house combat to regain. The city had come under attack by two North Vietnamese regiments on January 31 and eventually elements of three North Vietnamese divisions were involved in the fight. The main battle centered on the Citadel, a five-square-kilometer fortress with walls 10 m high and 6 m thick built in 1802. It took eight battalions of US Marines and troopers from the 1st Cavalry Division plus eleven South Vietnamese battalions to evict the communists from the city. It was a costly battle. The US Army suffered 74 dead and 507 wounded; the US Marines lost 142 dead and 857 wounded. South Vietnamese losses totaled 384 dead and 1830 wounded. North Vietnamese casualties included 5000 dead and countless more wounded. The Tet Offensive ends as US and South Vietnamese troops recapture the ancient capital of Hué from communist forces. Although scattered fighting continued across South Vietnam for another week, the battle for Hué was the last major engagement of the offensive, which saw communist attacks on all of South Vietnam's major cities. In the aftermath of Tet, public opinion in the United States decisively turned against the Vietnam War. As 1968 began the third year of US ground-troop fighting in Vietnam US military leadership was still confident that a favorable peace agreement would soon be forced on the North Vietnamese and their allies in South Vietnam, the Viet Cong. Despite growing calls at home for an immediate US withdrawal, President Lyndon Johnson's administration planned to keep the pressure on the communists through increased bombing and other attrition strategies. General William Westmoreland, commander of US operations in Vietnam, claimed to see clearly "the light at the end of the tunnel," and Johnson hoped that soon the shell-shocked communists would stumble out of the jungle to the bargaining table. However, on January 30, 1968, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese launched their massive Tet Offensive all across South Vietnam. It was the first day of Tet Vietnam's lunar new year and most important holiday and many South Vietnamese soldiers, expecting an unofficial truce, had gone home. The Viet Cong were known for guerrilla tactics and had never launched an offensive on this scale; consequently, US and South Vietnamese forces were caught completely by surprise. In the first day of the offensive, tens of thousands of Viet Cong soldiers, supported by North Vietnamese forces, overran the five largest cities of South Vietnam, scores of smaller cities and towns, and a number of US and South Vietnamese bases. The Viet Cong struck at Saigon South Vietnam's capital and even attacked, and for several hours held, the US embassy there. The action was caught by US television news crews, which also recorded the brutal impromptu street execution of a Viet Cong rebel by a South Vietnamese military official. As the US and South Vietnamese fought to regain control of Saigon, the cities of Hué, Dalat, Kontum, and Quangtri fell to the communists. US and South Vietnamese forces recaptured most of these cities within a few days, but Hué was fiercely contested by the communist soldiers occupying it. After 26 days of costly house-to-house fighting, the South Vietnamese flag is raised again above Hué on 24 February, and the Tet Offensive came to an end. During the communist occupation of Hué, numerous South Vietnamese government officials and civilians were massacred, and many civilians died in US bombing attacks that preceded the liberation of the city. In many respects, the Tet Offensive was a military disaster for the communists: They suffered 10 times more casualties than their enemy and failed to control any of the areas captured in the opening days of the offensive. They had hoped that the offensive would ignite a popular uprising against South Vietnam's government and the US occupation. This did not occur. In addition, the Viet Cong, which had come out into the open for the first time in the war, were all but wiped out. However, because the Tet Offensive crushed US hopes for an imminent end to the conflict, it dealt a fatal blow to the US military mission in Vietnam. In Tet's aftermath, President Johnson came under fire on all sides for his Vietnam policy. General Westmoreland requested 200'000 more soldiers to overwhelm the communists, and a national uproar ensued after this request was disclosed, forcing Johnson to recall Westmoreland to Washington. On 31 March, Johnson announced that the United States would begin de-escalation in Vietnam, halt the bombing of North Vietnam, and seek a peace agreement to end the conflict. In the same speech, he also announced that he would not seek reelection to the presidency, citing what he perceived to be his responsibility in creating the national division over Vietnam. |
1967 Swiss Reformed theologian Karl Barth writes in
a letter: 'The statement that God is dead comes from Nietzsche and has recently
been trumpeted abroad by some German and American theologians. But the good
Lord has not died of this; He who dwells in the heaven laughs at them.'
[as well as anyone who notices that it is Nietzsche that is dead!] 1967 El Cantar de Mio Cid, el manuscrito más valioso de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, es adquirido en 10 millones de pesetas por la Fundación Juan March. 1966 Coup ousts President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana (celebrated as Liberation Day) El general Joseph A. Ankrah encabeza un golpe de Estado en Ghana, aprovechando que el presidente Kwame Nkrumah se encuentra de viaje por Asia. 1965 East German President Ulbricht visits Egypt. 1962 General mobilization in Indonesia over New-Guinea. 1960 Italian government of Segni falls. 1955 Pact of Baghdad between Iraq and Turkey signed 1950 Labour wins British parliamentary election. 1949 Israel and Egypt sign an armistice agreement. Se firma en la isla de Rodas el armisticio que pone fin a la primera guerra árabe-israelí. 1949 El líder sionista Chaim Weizmann es elegido presidente de Israel. 1948 Communist Party seizes complete control of Czechoslovakia.
1945 Egypt and Syria declares war on Nazi-Germany. |
1942 El embajador alemán Franz Von Papen sufre un atentado en Ankara. |
1938 Du Pont begins commercial production of nylon
toothbrush bristles. 1937 La Unión Soviética prohíbe el envío de voluntarios a la Guerra Civil Española. 1933 Final demonstration of German Communist party in Berlin. 1933 League of Nations tells Japanese to pull out of Manchuria (Japan does nothing of the sort). 1933 Las Cortes españolas ratifican la confianza al Gobierno por 173 votos contra 130 en el debate de los sucesos de Casas Viejas. 1932 Las Cortes de la Segunda República Española aprueban la Ley del Divorcio. 1932 Malcolm Campbell consigue en Daytona, con un Napier-Campbell, un nuevo récord de velocidad sobre tierra: 408,714 km/h. 1924 Greek parliament proclaims republic. 1924 Mahatma Gandhi released from jail. 1923 Mass arrests in US of Mafia. 1922 Alemania concede la extradición de Nicolau, asesino del presidente del Consejo español Eduardo Dato Iradier. 1920 Peace treaty gives Estonia independence (celebrated as National Day). 1920 A fledgling German political party holds its first meeting of importance in Munich; it would become known as the Nazi Party, and its chief spokesman is Adolf Hitler. Hitler da a conocer en Múnich los veinticinco puntos del Partido Obrero Alemán. 1918 Estonia declares independence from Russia.
1917 Russian revolution breaks out. 1914 El primer ministro británico Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill consigue créditos suplementarios para la armada. 1911 Se produce la dimisión del primer ministro francés Aristide Briand, al que sucede Monis, que recibe el apoyo de radicales y radicalsocialistas. 1909 Se presenta, en la localidad inglesa de Brighton, por primera vez al público el cine en color. 1905 El ministro de Agricultura ruso, Alexei Yermolov, somete al zar Nicolás II la idea de una Constitución. 1905 Simplon tunnel in Switzerland completed. 1903 US signs agreement acquiring a naval station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 1902 Battle at Yzer Spruit Boer General De la Rey beats British. 1896 El físico francés Antoine Henri Becquerel anuncia el descubrimiento de una radiación emitida por el uranio. 1895 Cuban war of independence begins. Comienza la sublevación independentista en Cuba con el llamado Grito de Baire. 1894 Nicaragua captures Tegucigalpa, Honduras (National Day, sort of). 1891 Se promulga una Constitución Federal en Brasil. 1891 French troops under Captain Archinard occupy Diéna West Sudan. 1881 De Lesseps' Company begins work on Panama Canal.
1864 Battle of Tunnel Hill GA (Buzzard's Roost) 1863 Forrest's raid on Brentwood TN. 1863 Arizona Territory created 1852 Between January 15th and February 24th a total of 1378 railroad cars were drawn by horses across the frozen Susquehanna River (the ferry could not pass) to engines waiting at Havre De Grace MD. 1848 King Louis-Philippe abdicates, 2nd French republic declared. Tras la revuelta de 1848, la familia real borbónica huye y jamás vuelve a reinar en Francia. |
![]() During the Texas War for Independence, on 23 February 1836, Mexican president and general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna orders the first assault on the fortified Alamo mission in San Antonio, Texas, held by 144 Texans and Americans under the leadership of Colonel William B. Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett. [flag flown by the Texans at the Alamo >] On 24 February 1836, Texan Colonel William Travis sends a desperate plea for help for the besieged defenders of the Alamo, ending the message with the famous last words, "Victory or Death." Travis' path to the Alamo began five years earlier when he moved to the Mexican state of Texas to start fresh after a failed marriage in Alabama. Trained as a lawyer, he established a law office in Anahuac, where he quickly gained a reputation for his willingness to defy the local Mexican officials. In 1832, a minor confrontation with the Mexican government landed Travis in jail. When he was freed a month later, many Anglo settlers hailed him as a hero. As Anglo-American resentment toward the Mexican government grew, Travis was increasingly viewed as a strong leader among those seeking an independent Texan republic. When the Texas revolution began in 1835, Travis joined the revolutionary army. In February 1936, he was made a lieutenant colonel and given command of the regular Texas troops in San Antonio. On 23 February, the Mexican army under Santa Ana arrived in the city unexpectedly. Travis and his troops retreated to the Alamo, an old Spanish mission and fortress, where they were soon joined by James Bowie's volunteer force. The Mexican army of 5000 soldiers badly outnumbered the several hundred defenders of the Alamo. Their determination was fierce, though, and when Santa Ana asked for their surrender the following day, Travis answered with a cannon shot. Furious, Santa Ana began a siege. Recognizing he was doomed to defeat without reinforcements, Travis dispatched via couriers several messages asking for help. The most famous was addressed to "The People of Texas and All Americans in the World" and was signed "Victory or Death." Unfortunately, it was to be death for the defenders: only 32 men from nearby Gonzales responded to Travis' call for reinforcements. On March 6, the Mexicans stormed the Alamo and Travis, Bowie, and about 190 of their comrades were killed. The Texans made Santa Ana pay for his victory, though, having claimed at least 600 of his men during the attack. Although Travis' defense of the Alamo was a miserable failure militarily, symbolically it was a tremendous success. "Remember the Alamo" quickly became the rallying cry for the Texas revolution. By April, Travis' countrymen had beaten the Mexicans and won their independence. Travis' daring defiance of the overwhelmingly superior Mexican forces has since become the stuff of myth, and a facsimile of his famous call for help is on permanent display at the Texas State Library in Austin. Texan Colonel William Travis sends a desperate plea for help for the besieged defenders of the Alamo, ending the message with the famous last words, "Victory or Death." Travis' path to the Alamo began five years earlier when he moved to the Mexican state of Texas to start fresh after a failed marriage in Alabama. Trained as a lawyer, he established a law office in Anahuac, where he quickly gained a reputation for his willingness to defy the local Mexican officials. In 1832, a minor confrontation with the Mexican government landed Travis in jail. When he was freed a month later, many Anglo settlers hailed him as a hero. As Anglo-American resentment toward the Mexican government grew, Travis was increasingly viewed as a strong leader among those seeking an independent Texan republic. When the Texas revolution began in 1835, Travis joined the revolutionary army. In February 1936, he was made a lieutenant colonel and given command of the regular Texas troops in San Antonio. On 23 February, the Mexican army under Santa Ana arrived in the city unexpectedly. Travis and his troops retreated to the Alamo, an old Spanish mission and fortress, where they were soon joined by James Bowie's volunteer force. The Mexican army of 5000 soldiers badly outnumbered the several hundred defenders of the Alamo. Their determination was fierce, though, and when Santa Ana asked for their surrender the following day, Travis answered with a cannon shot. Furious, Santa Ana began a siege. Recognizing he was doomed to defeat without reinforcements, Travis dispatched via couriers several messages asking for help. The most famous was addressed to "The People of Texas and All Americans in the World" and was signed "Victory or Death." Unfortunately, it was to be death for the defenders: only 32 men from nearby Gonzales responded to Travis' call for reinforcements. On 06 March, the Mexicans stormed the Alamo and Travis, Bowie, and about 190 of their comrades were killed. The Texans made Santa Ana pay for his victory, though, having claimed at least 600 of his men during the attack. Although Travis' defense of the Alamo was a miserable failure militarily, symbolically it was a tremendous success. "Remember the Alamo" quickly became the rallying cry for the Texas revolution. By April, Travis' countrymen had beaten the Mexicans and won their independence. Travis' daring defiance of the overwhelmingly superior Mexican forces has since become the stuff of myth, and a facsimile of his famous call for help is on permanent display at the Texas State Library in Austin. After gaining independence from Spain in 1821, Mexico welcomed foreign settlers to sparsely populated Texas, and a large group of Americans led by Stephen F. Austin settled along the Brazos River. The Americans soon outnumbered the resident Mexicans, and by the 1830s, attempts by the Mexican government to regulate these semi-autonomous communities were, in their opinion, against the 1824 Mexican constitution, and led them to rebellion. In October of 1835, residents of Gonzales, eighty kilometers east of San Antonio, responded to Santa Anna’s demand that they return a cannon loaned for defense against Indian attack by discharging it against the Mexican troops sent to reclaim it. Two months later, Texas volunteers commanded by Ben Milam drove Mexican troops out of San Antonio and settled in around the Alamo, a mission compound adapted to military purposes after the 1790s. In January of 1836, Santa Anna concentrated a force of several thousand men south of the Rio Grande and General Sam Houston, the commander of the Texas revolutionary troops, ordered the Alamo abandoned. However, Colonel Jim Bowie realized that the Alamo’s twenty-five captured cannons could not be removed before Santa Anna’s arrival, so he remained entrenched with his men in order to give Houston time to raise a revolutionary army. On 02 February, Bowie and his twenty-five men were joined by a small cavalry company under Colonel William Travis, bringing the total number of Alamo defenders to about one hundred and thirty. One week later, Davy Crockett arrived in command of fourteen Tennessee Mounted Volunteers. On 23 February, Santa Anna and some 4000 Mexican troops besieged the Alamo, and the Mexican leader ordered the former mission bombarded with cannon and rifle fire for twelve days. The next day, in the chaos of the siege, Colonel Travis smuggled out a letter that read:
In the early morning of 06 March, Santa Anna ordered the first assault on the Alamo. Travis’s artillery decimated the first and then the second Mexican charge, but within ninety minutes the Texans were overwhelmed, and the Alamo was taken. All 188 Texan defenders were killed, along with some 1544 of Santa Anna’s troops. The only survivors of the Alamo were a mother, her child, and an African-American slave. Six weeks later, a large Texan army under Sam Houston surprised Santa Anna’s army at San Jacinto. Shouting "Remember the Alamo!" the Texans defeated the Mexicans and captured Santa Anna. Texas independence was won. |
1821 Mexico declares its independence from Spain.
Se proclama el Plan de Iguala, documento redactado por Agustín de Iturbide
que contiene las bases de la Independencia de México. 1803 The US Supreme Court rules itself to be the final interpreter of constitutional issues, in Marbury v. Madison. 1793 French troops conquer Breda 1786 Charles Cornwallis appointed Governor-General of India
1538 King Ferdinand of Austria and King János Zápolyai of Hungary sign Peace of Grosswardein. 1530 first imperial coronation by a Pope, Charles V crowned by Clement V. 1528 János Zápolyai, Hungarian king, recognizes Sultan Suleiman's suzerainty. 1527 Ferdinand of Austria crowned as king of Bohemia Tras el fallecimiento de Luis II de Mohács, su cuñado Fernando y su esposa Ana de Hungría son coronados reyes de Hungría y de Bohemia. 1525 Las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España y V de Alemania vencen a las francesas de François I en la batalla de Pavía, con lo que se pone fin a la primera guerra hispano-francesa. 1524 El papa Clemente VII concede a la Inquisición de Aragón poder jurisdiccional sobre la sodomía, conlleve o no herejía. 1510 Pope Julius II excommunicates the republic of Venice 1389 Battle at Falköping Danes defeat King Albert of Sweden. 1296 Pope Boniface VIII degree Clericis Iaicos 1208 St Francis of Assisi, 26, received his vocation in the Italian village of Portiuncula. He founded the Franciscans the following year, and is regarded by some Catholics as the greatest of all Christian saints. 0303 The first official Roman edict for the persecution of Christians was issued by Roman Emperor Galerius Valerius Maximianus. |
1940 Day 86 of Winter
War: USSR aggression against Finland. More deaths due to Stalin's desire to grab Finnish territory. Finnish troops take Reuhkavaara 'motti' Karelian Isthmus: the Finnish 23rd Division takes advantage of a momentary lull in enemy pressure to attempt a counterattack to improve their defensive positions to the east of Lake Näykkijärvi. The counterattack is launched at 02:30, but almost immediately breaks down. At daybreak the Finnish troops withdraw to their defensive positions. Enemy attacks on the intermediary defensive positions are unsuccessful. In the north, the Finnish guerrillas operating in Salla are suffering from stiffer countermeasures by the Soviet troops in the area. The independent Company Kojonen pulls off a successful surprise attack on a Red Army logistics centre at Kuusivaara in Salla, causing considerable losses among the Soviet troops. In Petsamo, a 180-strong enemy ski company attacks Heteoja, bringing to an end a phase of guerrilla activity which had lasted almost two months. They are surrounded by Finnish troops, but half their strength manage to break out. In Kuhmo, Finnish troops take the Reuhkavaara 'motti'. Enemy dead total 174. Finnish casualties are three dead and five wounded. The Finns capture a considerable amount of materiel, including two tanks, four lorries and over 200 small arms. Finland's Foreign Minister meets the new British diplomatic representative in Finland, Mr. Vereker, and the military envoy, General Ling, who has just visited General Headquarters in Mikkeli. According to Vereker, the Allies are ready to send 20'000 soldiers to Finland on March 15. The exhibition of captured war materiel in Helsinki Exhibition Hall is a great success. 13'000 persons have visited the exhibition during the first week alone. The foreign ministers of Norway, Denmark and Sweden meet in Copenhagen. The Nordic countries make a joint decision not to give military assistance to Finland nor to allow foreign troops to pass through their territory. Finland therefore stands alone. ^ Suomalaiset kukistavat Reuhkavaaran motin Talvisodan 87. päivä, 24.helmikuuta.1940 Vihollisen paineen hetkeksi hellittäessä Suomen 23. Divisioonan joukot yrittävät vastahyökkäyksellä parantaa puolustusasemiaan Näykkijärven itäpuolella Karjalan kannaksella. Vastahyökkäys alkaa klo 2.30, mutta tyrehtyy miltei heti. Aamun valjetessa suomalaiset vetäytyvät takaisin puolustus-asemiin. Vihollisen hyökkäykset väliasemaan torjutaan. Sissisota Sallassa on vaikeutunut neuvostojoukkojen vastatoimientehostuessa. Erillinen Komppania Kojonen tekee menestyksekkään yllätys-hyökkäyksen vihollisen Sallan Kuusivaarassa sijaitsevaan huoltokeskukseen aiheuttaen huomattavia tappioita. Petsamossa vihollisen 180-miehinen hiihtokomppania hyökkää Heteojalle päättäen näin lähes kaksi kuukautta kestäneen sissisotavaiheen. Viholliskomppania saarrostetaan, mutta puolet siitä onnistuu murtautumaan ulos. Kuhmossa suomalaiset kukistavat Reuhkavaaran motin. Taistelualueelle jää 174 kaatunutta vihollista. Omat tappiot ovat kolme kaatunutta ja viisi haavoittunutta. Sotasaalista saadaan runsaasti, mm. kaksi pansarivaunua, neljä autoa ja yli 200 käsiasetta. Ulkoministeri Tanner tapaa Englannin uuden lähettilään Verekerin ja Päämajassa Mikkelissä vierailleen kenraali Lingin. Englannin lähettilään mukaan liittoutuneet ovat valmiit lähettämään Suomeen maaliskuun 15. päivä 20 000 sotilasta. Sotasaalisnäyttely Helsingin Messuhallissa on menestys. Ensimmäisen viikon aikana näyttelyyn on tutustunut jo 13 000 ihmistä. Kööpenhaminassa kokoontuvat Ruotsin, Tanskan ja Norjan ulkoministerit. Yhteisellä päätöksellä Pohjoismaat eivät anna Suomelle sotilaallista tukea, eivätkä salli vieraiden joukkojen läpikulkua alueillaan. - Suomi on yksin. ^ Finnarna slår mottin i Reuhkavaara Vinterkrigets 87 dag, den 24 februari 1940 När fiendens tryck tillfälligt lättar försöker trupperna i den finska 23. Divisionen genom en motattack förbättra sina försvarsställningar öster om Näykkijärvi på Karelska näset. Motoffensiven startar kl. 2.30 men kvävs nästan omedelbart. När morgonen gryr tvingas finnarna retirera till försvarsställningarna. Fiendens anfall mot mellanställningen avvärjs. Gerillakriget i Salla har försvårats av de allt effektivare ryska motåtgärderna. Det avdelta kompaniet Kojonen gör ett överraskande anfall mot fiendens försörjningscentrum i Kuusivaara, Salla. Anfallet är framgångsrikt och förorsakar betydande förluster för fienden. I Petsamo anfaller ett fientligt skidlöparkompani på 180 man i Heteoja och avslutar därmed ett gerillakrigsskede som har räckt nästan två månader. Fiendens kompani omringas, men hälften av soldaterna lyckas bryta ut. I Kuhmo slår finnarna mottin i Reuhkavaara. Kvar på stridsområdet blir 174 stupade ryska soldater. De egna förlusterna är tre stupade och fem sårade. Finland får ett rejält krigsbyte, bl.a. två pansarvagnar, fyra bilar och över 200 handvapen. Utrikesminister Tanner träffar Englands nye ambassadör Vereker och general Ling som har besökt huvudkvarteret i S:t Michel. Enligt den engelske ambassadören är de allierade redo att sända 20 000 soldater till Finland den 15 mars. Krigsutställningen i Helsingfors Mässhall är en framgång. Under den första veckan har utställningen 13 000 besökare. Sveriges, Danmarks och Norges utrikesministrar samlas i Köpenhamn. De nordiska länderna fattar gemensamt beslutet att inte sända militärt stöd till Finland och tillåter inte heller att främmande trupper reser igenom deras territorier. - Finland är ensamt. |
1933 Bertini,
mathematician. 1920 Paul Albert Girard, French artist born on 13 December 1839.
1910 Osman Edhem Pacha Zadeh Hamby-Bey, Turkish artist born in 1842. 1871 Julius Weisbach, mathematician. 1856 Nikolay Lobachevsky, 63, mathematician. 1844 Reynaud, mathematician. 1839 Caspar Johann Schneider, German artist born on 19 April 1753. 1819 Jean François Sablet le Romain, Swiss artist born on 23 November 1745. 1815 Robert Fulton, US steamboat pioneer. 1812 Malus, mathematician. 1810 Henry Cavendish physicist/chemist 1785 Carlo Bonaparte, 39, Corsican attorney 1728 Reyneau, mathematician. 1704 Marc-Antoine Charpentier French composer (church music) 1563 François de Lorraine 2ème duc de Guise , 44, French General/duke, assassinated. 1525 Some 8700 dead in Battle at Pavia: Emperor Charles V's troops beat French king, François I captured |
which occurred on a February 24:
1946 Margulis, mathematician. 1934 Bettino Craxi, político socialista italiano. 1929 Luis Carandell Robuste, escritor y periodista español. 1928 Michael Harrington St Louis, socialist/author (Fragments of Century) 1927 Mark Lane (attorney, author: Rush to Judgment, Eyewitness Chicago; conspiracy theorist: the Kennedy assassination)
1919 Earl Kitchener of Khartoum 1909 La esfinge, primer drama de Miguel de Unamuno Jugo, se estrena en el teatro Galdós de Las Palmas.
1885 Admiral Chester Nimitz US Admiral (commanded Pacific fleet in WWII) 1885 - Chester Nimitz (US Navy Admiral: WWII Commander of all Allied Forces in the SW Pacific, signed the Japanese surrender papers). He died on 20 February 1966. 1885 Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Polish painter who died in September 1939. LINKS 1884 Josef Stoitzer, Austrian artist who died in 1951. 1878 Felix Bernstein, mathematician. 1870 Jules-Géraud Saliège, French, ordained a priest on 21 September 1895, appointed Bishop of Gap on 29 October 1925 and consecrated a bishop on 06 January 1926; appointed Archbishop of Toulouse on 17 December 1928; made a cardinal on 18 February 1946; died on 05 November 1956. 1848 El Manifiesto comunista es publicado por Karl Heinrich Marx y Friedrich Engels. 1844 Raffaelo Sorbi, Italian artist who died on 19 December 1931.
1836 Winslow Homer, US painter who died on 29 September
1910, specialized in maritime scenes. MORE
Gulf Stream The
Bright Side Portrait
of Albert Post Cutting
a Figure Sunrise,
Fishing in the Adirondacks The
Nooning A "Norther",
Key West A
Swell of the Ocean Burnt
Mountain Backgammon
War for the Union Prisoners
From the Front Dressing
for the Carnival Turtle
Pound On
A Lee Shore Mending
the Nets Watching
the Tempest The
Lifeline The
Fox Hunt Canoe
in the Rapids Hurricane
Bahamas High
Cliff, Coast of Maine Night
Fishing Taking
a Sunflower to Teacher
1830 Narciso Saenz Díaz Serra, poeta y dramaturgo español. 1824 George Curtis, US author and editor who died on 31 August 1892. 1788 Johan-Christian-Clausen Dahl, Norwegian painter who died on 14 October 1857. LINKS A Cloud and Landscape Study by Moonlight Evening Landscape with Shepherd Returning from Harvesting Sailing in a Fjord |
![]() The younger of the two Grimm brothers, Wilhelm, is born in Hanau, Germany. His brother Jakob was born on 4 January 1785. As young men, the two brothers assisted some friends with research for an important collection of folk lyrics. One of the authors, impressed by the brothers' work, suggested they publish some of the oral folktales they'd collected. The collection appeared as Children's and Household Tales, later known as Grimm's Fairy Tales, in several volumes between 1812 and 1822. Tales in the Grimm brothers' collection include "Hansel and Gretel," "Snow White," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Sleeping Beauty," "Rapunzel," and "Rumpelstiltskin." The brothers developed the tales by listening to storytellers and attempting to reproduce their words and techniques as faithfully as possible. Their methods helped establish the scientific approach to the documentation of folklore. The collection became a worldwide classic. Jakob continued researching stories and language, and published an influential book of German grammar. He also did important work in language study and developed a principle, called Grimm's Law, regarding the relation of languages to each other. In 1829, Jakob and Wilhelm became librarians and professors at the University of Gottingen, and Jacob published another important work, German Mythologies, exploring the beliefs of pre-Christian Germans. In 1840, King Frederick William IV of Prussia invited the brothers to Berlin, where they became members of the Royal Academy of Science. They began work on an enormous dictionary, but Wilhelm died on 16 December 1859, before entries for the letter D were completed. Jakob died on 20 September 1863, having only gotten as far as F. Subsequent researchers finished the dictionary many years later. Individually, Wilhelm Grimm wrote Altdänische Heldenlieder, Balladen und Märchen (1811), . Über deutsche Runen (1821), Die deutsche Heldensage (1829). Wilhelm Karl Grimm, the younger of the two Brothers Grimm, is born in Hanau, Germany. As young men, the two brothers assisted friends in compiling an important collection of folk lyrics. One of the authors, impressed by the brothers' work, suggested they publish some of the oral folktales they'd collected. The collection appeared as Children's and Household Tales, later known as Grimm's Fairy Tales, in several volumes between 1812 and 1822. Tales in the Grimm collection include "Hansel and Gretel," "Snow White," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Sleeping Beauty," "Rapunzel," and "Rumpelstiltskin." The brothers developed the tales by listening to storytellers and attempting to reproduce their words and techniques as faithfully as possible. Their methods helped establish the scientific approach to the documentation of folklore. The collection became a worldwide classic. Wilhelm continued his study of German folklore and published a new edition of ancient written tales. In 1829, Jacob and Wilhelm became librarians and professors at the University of Gottingen, and Jacob published another important work, German Mythologies, exploring the beliefs of pre-Christian Germans. In 1840, King Frederick William IV of Prussia invited the brothers to Berlin, where they became members of the Royal Academy of Science. They began work on an enormous dictionary, but Wilhelm died in 1959, before entries for the letter D were completed. Jacob followed four years later, having only gotten as far as F. Subsequent researchers finished the dictionary many years later. |
Jakob Ludwig Karl Grimm wurde am
4.1.1785 in Hanau geboren, sein Bruder Wilhelm Karl Grimm am 24.2.1786 am
gleichen Ort. Der Vater war Jurist. Die Kinder lebten die ersten
Jahrer ihrer Jugend in Steinau und sie besuchten das Lyceum im Kassel. Seit
1829 bzw. 1839 waren sie Professoren in Kassel. Aufgrund ihrer Teilnahme
am Protest der "Göttinger Sieben" wurden sie des Landes verwiesen. Seit
etwa 1840 lebten beide in Berlin. Jakob Grimm starb am 20.9.1863 in Berlin,
sein Bruder am 16.12.1859 am gleichen Ort. Die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm sind nicht nur die Sammler, Nacherzähler und Herausgeber der Kinder- und Hausmärchen sowie der Deutschen Sagen, sondern gelten auch als Begründer der germanischen Philologie. Sie begannen die Arbeiten zum "Deutschen Wörterbuch", und insbesondere Jacob schuf mit seiner Deutschen Grammatik, der Deutschen Mythologie und den Deutschen Rechtsalthertümern bahnbrechende Werke. Ausgesprochene Gelehrte zu sein, hinderte sie nicht, sich politisch dem Fortschritt zu verbinden. Als Mitglieder der Göttinger Sieben (Professoren) protestierten sie 1837 gegen die Aufhebung der Verfassung von 1833 durch König Ernst August II. von Hannover und sind daraufhin entlassen worden. Jacob wurde 1848 zum Mitglied der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung gewählt, wo er sich als gemäßigter Liberaler der Erbkaiserpartei anschloß. Nach Berlin zog die Brüder 1841 die Berufung zu Mitgliedern der Akademie der Wissenschaften durch Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Sie waren jedoch auch als Hochschullehrer an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität tätig. Ihre Wohnung hatten sie hier unweit des späteren Potsdamer Platzes in der Linkstraße 7. Mit Berlin verbunden sind die Brüder Grimm auch über ihren Tod hinaus z.B. dadurch, daß sich der allergrößte Teil ihrer Bibliothek in der Universitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität befindet. Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, die sehr bekannten 'Brüder Grimm' wurden 1785 und 1786 in Hanau, Deutschland geboren. Seit ihrer Kinderheit, hatten sie viel Interesse an die Literatur und die Grammatik. Durch ihre Augen war alles auf der Welt ein Thema für die Lyrik, und wie in Märchen spielten sie oft in dem Wald. Diese Erfahrungen hatten eventuelle einen Einfluß auf ihre späteren Werke und Sammlungen. Sie wurden zwei von den berühmtesten Schriftstellern aller Zeiten. Während ihrer Jugend interessierten sich die Brüder immer für neue Ideen und gingen diesen Ideen stets nach. Trotz des Todes ihres Vaters im Alter von 11 und 10 bekamen sie ihre Erziehung, obwohl es schwer zu finanzieren war. Die verwitwete Schwester ihres Vaters, die 'Tante Schlemmer' hieß, unterichtete die zwei Jungen nicht nur in Schreiben und Lesen, sondern auch schenkte sie ihnen die Lust auf Bildung. Das hielten sie ihr ganzes Leben fest. Obwohl zu dieser Zeit die Universität nur für die aristokratishe Gesellschaft reserviert war, die Mutter von Jacob und Wilhelm überredete die Universität, daß ihre Söhne die Universität mit einem Stipendium besuchen durften! Trotz ihrer Liebe der Literatur wurden die Brüder gezwungen, Jura zu studieren, nicht nur weil der Vater Rechtsanwalt war, sondern auch weil ihre Mutter es wünschte. Aber ihre Fähigkeiten zu lernen waren so riesig, daß die zwei nicht nur Jura studierten, sondern auch viele andere Sprachen und die Abstammung der Sprache zusammen mit Geschichte und Literaturwissenschaft. In ihrer Freizeit gestallteten sie immer mit Kollegen Lesegruppen, oder studierten die Forschung der Geschichte und Literatur. Sie betrachteten den Lehrplan der Universität sehr kritisch und machten lieber allein ihr Studium. Die Phantasie der romantischen Literatur war für sie besonderes verlockend. Das 'Mittelalter repräsentiert eine zeitlose, unhistorische Zeit von Abenteuer, hohe Gesinnung, europäische Einheit, und Deutsche Größe...'(Peppard 18). Sie waren von der Phantasie, der Liebe, und dem Guten und Bösen sehr fasziniert. So fängt die Geschichte der Sammlung, die wir heute als die 'Grimms Volksmärchen' kennen, an. Die Brüder waren auch ziemlich exzentrisch. Sie arbeiteten nicht nur ihr ganzes Leben zusammen, sondern auch wohnten sie ihr ganzes Leben zusammen! Wilhelm heiratete 1825 Dortchen Wild, und bekam schliesslich drei Kinder. Jacob heiratete nie. Für ihn war es genug, Onkel zu sein. Glücklicherweise mochte Dortchen Jacob, und alle wohnten glücklich zusammen. Als Wegbereiter der Volkskunde, gingen die Brüder Grimm durch ganz Deutschland, um Volksmärchen, die durch Generationen zustande gekommen waren, zu finden. Sie sprachen mit Dienstmädchen, Zimmermännern, Schäfern, Freunden von der Universität, und fast jedem, der eine Geschichte zu erzählen hatte. "Rejecting 18th century rationalism and faith in the future, [the brothers] turned to the neglected masterpieces of Germany's past- epics and ballads, stories and poems that had sprung from the common people" (Burke 110). Viele Geschichten enstanden in Hessen. Die Brüder lebten lange Zeit hier. Jacob und Wilhelm waren für ihre Sammlung der Volksmärchen sehr bekannt, und viele Leute begegneten den Brüdern, um ihnen ihre Geschichten mitzuteilen. Die Mädchen von nebenan waren auch sehr hilfsbereit. Sie sammelten selber mehrere Märchen und gaben sie den Brüdern. Eine Nachbarin, die 'die Alte Marie' hieß, war besonderes hilfreich. Sie erzählte den Brüdern, 'Dornröschen,' Rotkäppchen,' und 'Schneewittchen und Rosenrot'. Nach dem Sammeln wurden die Märchen endlich kurz vor Weihnachten 1812 verlegt. Daruber schreibt Burke: Second only to the Bible, it was to become Germany's most widely read book, one that W. H. Auden would describe as, "among the few indispensible, common-property books upon which western culture can be founded" (Burke 112). Das Buch, das 'Kinder und Hausmärchen' hieß, enthielt die vorgehend erwänten Märchen und 'Aschenbrödel,' 'Hansel und Gretel,' 'Rumpelstilzchen, 'Rapunzel,' und noch mehr. Zusammen veröffentlichen die Brüder über zweihundert Geschichten. Heute sind viele durch Disney noch bekannter geworden, und sie wurden für die Kinder weltweit sehr wichtig. Aber wie W. H. Auden sagte, diese Volksmärchen bedeuteten viel mehr als die einfache Schönheit der Phantasie. Sie waren und sind heute immer noch, historische Repräsentanten der Kultur. Sie enthalten auch wichtige Lehren, die viele weitere Generationen auch ihren Kindern erzählen werden. Im allgemeinen lehren Geschichten wie 'Rot Käpchen,' daß die Kinder ihren Eltern gehorchen sollten, ein bißchen skeptischFremden gegendüber sein sollten, und natürlich, daß das Gute immer das Böse beseigt. 'Aschenbrödel' zeigt uns, wie die Liebe keine Grenzen kennt, ganz besonderes die, die zu der Zeit in der Gesellschaft existierte. Diese Volksmärchen enthielten oft sehr arme Waisenkinder. Diese Kinder waren immer hungrig und ohne Bekleidung außer der, die sie anhatten. Aber sie zeigten uns wie man auch überleben kann, wenn man arm ist. Diese Geschichten waren für viele arme Bauern zu dieser Zeit besonderes hilfreich, denn sie versuchten, eine neue gleichständige Gesellschaft aufzubauen. Vielleicht bekamen die hungrigen Kinder Trost, wenn sie an andere Kinder mit viel weniger als sie dachten. Vielleicht bekamen sie noch mehr Trost wenn sie an die Möglichkeit des Reichtums dachten. Wichtig war, daß diese Geschichten den Kinder ein bißchen Hoffnung und Unterhaltung brachten. Die Originalversionen dieser Volksmärchen waren nicht so harmlos und nett, wie sie es heute sind. Disney änderte sie sehr. Im Original findet man was heute ziemlich grausam und gewalttätig aussieht. Zum Beispiel schnitteten die zwei Stiefschwestern in 'Aschenbrödel' ihre eigenen Zehen und Fersen, damit die Glasschuhe besser auf ihre Füßen paßte. Als das Blut von ihren Füßen ausströmte, kamen Tauben von oben, und pflückten die Augen der Stiefschwestern raus. Die meisten Originalvolksmärchen enthalten Blut, Kinder, die ihre Arme und Füße verlieren, und ein Kind wird von einem Verbrecher gegessen. Obwohl die Lehren bei Disney immer noch die gleichen sind, wurden die blutrünstigen Einzelheiten herrausgenommen. Es stimmt, daß die 'Grimms Volksmärchen" Sammlung sehr berühmt und wichtig ist, aber die Brüder taten auch etwas ganz Wichtiges, wofür sie nicht so bekannt sind. Dies war das erstes deutsche Wörterbuch, daß eventuell ein Vorbild für das Oxford English Dictionary wurde. Die Brüder nahmen diese riesige Aufgabe an, weil sie von der Universtät Göttingen 1837 rausgeflogen waren. Sie weigerten sich, dem neuen König von Hannover Treue zu schwören, weil er die Universitätsverfassung aufgehoben hatte. Die Brüder hatten nur drei Jahre vorher auf diese Verfassung ihren Eid geleistet. Jacob und Wilhem studierteten Jura, und beide waren Männer von hohen Prinzipien. Deswegen konnten sie nicht ihr Ehrenwort zurückziehen. Weil sie sich weigerteten, wurden die beiden entlassen und mußten das Königreich Hannover sofort verlassen. Nachdem sie keine Arbeit mehr hatten, fingen sie mit dem Wörterbuch an. Jacob, der ernstere der zwei Brüder, hatte mehr mit dieser Aufgabe zu tun als sein Bruder. Er hatte viel feste Meinungen über die deutsche Sprache. Er dachte, daß es ein Geschenk vom Himmel war, Deutsch zu sprechen. Die Sprache war auf jeden Fall höher als alle anderen. Aber er sah auch viele Fehler in der Sprache, und wollte es immer verbessern. Zum Beispiel war er dagegen, Nomen groß zu schreiben, und tat es selber nie, ausser bei Namen und Orten, wie auf Englisch. Aber der Verlag dachte, daß es lächerlich sei, und Jacob wurde gezwungen, die Sprache so zu lassen. Es ist sehr interessant, wenn man überlegt was hätte passieren können, wenn Jacob die Sprache verbessert hätte. Die Brüder wollten das Wörterbuch für ganz Deutschland schreiben, nicht nur für Literaturwissenschaftler. Aber die ersten Folgen waren für alle Leuten gar nicht so praktisch. Sie waren für die Bürgerlichen ziemlich kompliziert, und deswegen wurden zu wenig Bücher am Anfang verkauft. Aber dann änderte Jacob das Wörterbuch ein bißchen. Er erweiterte die Zahl der im Wörterbuch enthaltenen Wörter, mit fachlichen Ausdrucken von Jägern, Kunsthandwerkern, und Händlern eingeschlossen. Er schließ auch Schimpfwörter ein. In dem Vorwort des Wörterbuches schrieb er: "There is no word in the language that is not somewhere best in it's proper place." Er schrieb auch in dem Vorwort : "The dictionary is not a book of morals, but a scientific book." So eine Aussage war ganz typisch für Jacob, der immer freimütig war. Obwohl das Wörterbuch in mehreren Folgen verleget wurde, war es vor dem Tod der Brüder noch nicht fertig. Wilhelm ist 1859 gestorben, und Jacob 1863. Kaum zu glauben , aber Literaturwissenschaftler schrieben das Wörterbuch erst im Jahre 1960 fertig zu ende! So groß war diese Arbeit! Im allgemeinen war der Einfluß der Brüder Grimm auf die Literatur und die Sprachen riesig. Ihre Liebe für Wörter und Geschichte spielten in der Unterhaltung und Erziehung vieler Generationen von alt und jung eine Rolle. Weil die Brüder so intensiv arbeiteten, haben wir alle ein besseres Verständnis von der Sprachen, und sehr viele Geschichten miteinander zu teilen. Man kann nur voraussagen, daß die Brüder in der Zukunft uns immer noch unterhalten und erziehen werden. BROTHERS GRIMM ONLINE: (auf Deutsch): Kinder- und Hausmärchen Deutsche Sagen Die Märchen (in English translations): Fairy Tales, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Grimm's Household Tales Children's and Household Tales |
1753 Henri-Pierre Danloux, French artist who died on
03 January 1809. MORE
Rosalie Duthé 1684 Catherine I Empress of Russia 1725-27, Dorpat, Estonia. 1684 Matthys Balen, Flemish artist who died on 07 January 1766. 1622 Johann Clauberg, French philosopher and theologian who died on 31 January 1665. Johann Clauberg ist Cartesianer. Er war Professor in Herborn und Duisburg. Clauberg führt die Wechselwirkung zwischen Leib und Seele auf den Willen Gottes zurück. Damit nähert er sich dem Okkasionalismus. Alle Dinge sind nach Clauberg Schöpfungen des göttlichen Geistes. Clauberg schreibt: Logica est ars ratione utendi. Er unterscheidet die potentia, (agendi possibilitas) und die Fähigkeit (facultas). 1619 Charles Le Brun, French painter, designer and decorator who died on 12 February 1690 1613 Mattia Pretti il Calabrese, Italian artist who died on 03 January 1699. 1541 Santiago, Chile, founded by Pedro de Valvidia 1536 Clement VIII [Ippolito Aldofireini], Fano Italy, last Counter-Reformation pope (1592-1605) 1500 Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. who would reign from 1519 to 1556. It was Charles who officially pronounced Martin Luther an outlaw and heretic. Carlos I de España y V de Alemania, monarca español. 1463 Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola, Italian scholar and philosopher who died on 17 November 1494. PICO ONLINE: Libro detto strega o delle illusioni del demonio (in English translation): Oration on the Dignity of Man |
Tinibrainer Dictionary: bulldozer n. m. male cattle addicted to frequent naps. |