4 2DAY
|Mar 07 >> Events, deaths, births, of MAR 06 [For Mar 06 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Mar 16 1700s: Mar 17 1800s: Mar 18 1900~2099: Mar 19] |
2000 Three White New York police officers were convicted
of a cover-up in the cruel brutal police station torture of Haitian immigrant
Abner Louima. The convictions would be outrageously overturned in 2002 because
of insufficient evidence.
1994 La mayoría de los votantes de Moldavia se pronuncia en segundo referendum contra la reunificación con Rumania.
![]() Helmut Kohl, the interim chancellor of West Germany since the fall of Helmut Schmidt’s Social Democrat government in the previous year, is elected German chancellor as his Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party is voted back into power. Elected as Rhine-Palatinate state premier in 1969, Kohl served the post until 1976, when he became federal chairman of the CDU and led the opposition to Chancellor Schmidt’s government. In 1982, with Germany suffering under persistent economic difficulties, he organized a successful no-confidence vote in the West German parliament against Schmidt and was subsequently named interim chancellor. In March of 1983, the West German people confirmed him as chancellor and in 1987, German economic recovery led to his reelection. In the fall of 1989, the Communist government of East Germany collapsed, and Kohl led the efforts to reunify the two Germanys. In March of 1990, in the first all-German elections in six decades, Kohl was elected the first chancellor of a reunified Germany. During his third term as chancellor, Kohl oversaw the formidable task of absorbing East Germany’s crippled economy into the West, and was an advocate of the movement for a united Europe. In 1994, he was elected to a fourth term. Increasing unemployment in Germany and Kohl’s cuts to the country’s welfare system led to his defeat against Gerhard Schroder and the Social Democrats in 1998. Late in 1999, Kohl admittited receiving secret cash donations to the CDU over a period of years and refused to name the donors. In January 2000, prosecutors in Berlin began a case against Kohl for possible breach of trust. 000119 Kohl resigned as CDU honorary chairman. 000227 the CDU suffered a grave electoral defeat. |
1980 La escritora Marguerite Yourcenar, primera mujer
elegida miembro de la Academia Francesa.
1959 Farthest radio signal heard (Pioneer IV, 600'000 km) 1957 The former British African colonies of the Gold Coast and Togoland become the independent state of Ghana.. Gran Bretaña proclama la independencia de Ghana. |
1934 Por primera vez en la historia, el Partido Laborista de Gran Bretaña gana las elecciones generales. 1933 A nationwide bank holiday declared by US President F. D. Roosevelt geos into effect. 1932 Charles Lindbergh receives a note (postmarked Brooklyn, New York, March 4) demanding $70'000 for the return of Charles Jr., 20-months old, who was kidnapped.on 01 March, when a first ransom note demanding $50'000 had been found. 1929 Por primera vez en España se transmite por radio un estreno teatral, el de la obra "Las hogueras de San Juan", de Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, desde el Teatro Español, de Madrid 1911 Alvaro de Figueroa y Torres conde de Romanones es elegido presidente del Consejo de Ministros de España. 1896 first auto in Detroit, Charles B King rides his "Horseless Carriage"
1881 A los 28 años de edad, ingresa en la Real Academia Española el polígrafo Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo. |
La classification
périodique des éléments ^top^ On doit cette représentation des constituants de la matière à un chimiste russe de 35 ans, né à Tobolsk, en Sibérie, Dimitri Ivanovitch Mendeleïev. Faute de disposer d'un bon manuel, ce professeur renommé de l'université de Saint-Pétersbourg rédige lui-même un ouvrage en deux volumes sur les «Principes de la chimie». Ce travail l'amène à réfléchir sur la manière d'ordonner les 63 éléments chimiques déjà connus comme l'hydrogène, l'oxygène, le fer, le carbone,... En classant ces éléments d'après le poids de leur atome, il observe que leurs propriétés chimiques se répètent à intervalles réguliers. C'est ainsi que le 6 mars 1869, il présente devant la Société chimique russe un projet de classification périodique à lignes et à colonnes, où tous les éléments d'une même colonne affichent des propriétés comparables. Deux ans plus tard, il améliore le tableau en prévoyant des cases vides pour des éléments encore inconnus. La célébrité lui vient en 1875, lorsque le chimiste Paul-Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran ayant découvert un nouvel élément, le gallium, celui-ci trouve exactement sa place dans le tableau. Les travaux de Mendeleïev témoignent de l'essor de la science et des techniques au milieu du XIXe siècle, y compris en Russie, où la culture s'épanouit sous le règne du meilleur tsar qu'aient jamais eu les Russes, Alexandre II. Rien qu'en 1869, les Occidentaux peuvent assister à l'invention de la «houille blanche» (l'électricité produite par les chutes d'eau) ainsi qu'à l'inauguration du canal de Suez et, aux Etats-Unis, du premier chemin de fer transcontinental. Dix ans plus tard, la montée des nationalismes et des intolérances commenceront de mettre à mal la foi des Européens dans le progrès. With so many elements already found and the possibility of more being discovered, chemists needed a way to organize them. Many systems were tried in order to make some sort of pattern in their properties to match the table. The modern periodic table, based on atomic number and electron configuration, was created primarily by a Russian chemist, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, and a German physicist, Julius Lothar Meyer, both working independently. They both created similar periodic tables only a few months apart in 1869. Mendeleev created the first periodic table based on atomic weight. He observed that many elements had similar properties, and that they occur periodically, hence the name, periodic table. From this, he made the periodic law. His periodic law states that the chemical and physical properties of the elements vary in a periodic way with their atomic weights. The modern one states that the properties vary with atomic number, not weight. For example, the elements lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium have similar chemical properties. The elements that immediate follow them, beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and barium, also have similar chemical properties. Elements in Mendeleev's table were arranged in rows called periods. The columns were called groups. Elements of each group had similar properties. By Mendeleev's theory, they should have been perfectly arranged by increasing atomic weight. Since Mendeleev's table was based on atomic weight, some things didn't match perfectly. The reason for this discrepancy is the fact that atomic number (the number of protons in an atom), not atomic weight, determines the order of the elements in the table, the basis of the modern periodic table. [click on table for a new window with more information on each element] ![]() |
1865 Lincoln appoints Hugh McCullogh as United States
Secretary of the Treasury 1862 Siege of New Madrid, Missouri continues 1862 Gran incendio en el Alcázar de Segovia, sede de la Academia de Artillería desde tiempos de Carlos III.
1812 Un terremoto facilita al capitán español Domingo Monteverde la toma de Caracas (Venezuela). 1728 Se firma en Madrid el convenio de El Pardo, que significa el fracaso de la alianza española con Austria y la aceptación, de nuevo, del tratado de Utrecht. 1714 Se firma el tratado de paz que pone fin a las luchas entre Francia y Austria en la Guerra de Sucesión española. 1629 In Germany, the Edict of Restitution ordered that all church property secularized since 1552 be restored to the Roman Catholic Church. 1521 Magellan discovers Guam 1460 Treaty of Alcacovas Portugal gives Castile Canary Islands for West Africa |
which occurred on a March 06: 2002 Abdel-Rahman Ghazal, of the military wing of Hamas, in an explosion at his home in Gaza City. 2002 Abdulghani Abu Daqa, 50, Palestinian, bleeding to death after being shot by the Israeli soldiers who prevent paramedics from reaching him for three hours. The al-Aqsa intifada body count is now at least 956 Palestinians and 313 Israelis. 2002 Jamal Abu Hamad, 29, Palesitinia, killed by Israeli soldiers in an incursion in Abassan. 2002 Three Danish and two German peacekeeping soldiers, in an accidental explosion while trying to destroy SA-3 anti-aircraft missiles at a munitions site in Kabul, Afghanistan. 2001: 54 children and teachers, as four classrooms are destroyed by an explosion in an elementary school in the village of Fang Lin, Jiangxi province, China. 27 others are injured. The explosion is in fireworks being assembled by third-graders contracted by a local business for the benefit of teachers, despite the long-standing protestations of parents. 2001 Nathan Mitchell, 33, struck by a train in Biloxi, Mississipi, while he, an animal control officer, is trying to catch a pitbull dog that had been running loose. 1998 A Connecticut state lottery accountant, and three supervisors and the lottery chief which he shoots before killing himself. 1997 Michael Norman Manley, político y periodista jamaicano. 1994 Melina Mercouri, actriz y política griega. 1992 María Helena Vieira da Silva, pintora y escultora francesa de origen portugués. 1986 Georgia O'Keeffe, 98, in Santa Fe. She had gained worldwide fame for her austere minimalist paintings of the US southwest. MORE ON O'KEEFFE AT ART 4 MARCH LINKS Blue and Green Music Red Canna Grey Line with Black, Blue and Yellow Light Iris Two Jimson Weeds With Green Leaves And Blue Sky Oriental Poppies Two Calla Lillies on Pink Black Cross, New Mexico Horse's Skull on Blue Cow's Skull With Calico Roses Sunflower, New Mexico I The Shell Cebolla Church Sky Above White Clouds I The Lawrence Tree Shell # 1 (1928, 18x18cm) Jack-in-the-Pulpit #2 Jack-in-the-Pulpit #3 Jack-in-the-Pulpit #4 Jack-in-the-Pulpit #5 (1930) Jack-in-the-Pulpit #6 Jack-in-the-Pulpit (1933) Summer Days 1936 Radiator Building Gray Tree Cottonwood III 1981 Klaus Grabowski child molester, shot by parent. 1973 Pearl Sydenstricker Buck author (Good Earth) Premio Nobel 1938. 1964 King Paul I of Hellenes 1950 Albert Lebrun, político francés. 1944 Alexandr Petrovich Kotelnikov, 78, university professor of mathematics (vector calculus in Lobachevsty space) |
Day 97 of Winter War: USSR aggression against Finland. ^top^ More deaths due to Stalin's desire to grab Finnish territory. Soviets agree to start talks, delegation under prime minister Ryti heads for Moscow. In the IV Corps area, enemy breaches the siege of 168th Division In Ladoga Karelia, the Soviet 11th Division launches a tank-supported offensive against the Finnish-controlled islands in the Pitkäranta sector at 9 o'clock in the morning. The offensive is preceded by a fierce three-hour artillery bombardment during which approximately 10'000 enemy shells rain down on the Finnish positions. In this way the Russians manage to break through the Pitkäranta section of the blockade encircling the great Kitelä 'motti'. The Finnish counterattack in Vilaniemi is unsuccessful. Russians also come ashore in Karjaniemi and Niskapohja. In the Sintolanniemi sector on the Isthmus the Russians cross the Vuoksi on a 2 km front. Paimio, Petäjä, Maksima and other islands on the eastern shore of Lake Ladoga are under heavy enemy shelling. 50 men from the municipality of Rantasalmi are killed. Foreign Minister Tanner asks the Allies for an extension of the deadline for requesting military assistance. Finland is given until the 12th of March to make a formal request. The Soviet Union announces its readiness to open talks with Finland in Moscow, but will not agree a ceasefire until the talks are actually underway. The Finnish Government meets twice to consider the composition of the Finnish delegation for the Moscow peace talks. In the evening, the Finnish delegation under the leadership of Prime Minister Risto Ryti leaves for Stockholm en route to Moscow. The other members of the delegation were J.K. Paasikivi, Rudolf Walden and Väinö Voionmaa. In San Francisco, the great Finnish runner Taisto Mäki wins a three-mile race in 14 minutes 15.3 seconds in an event organized to raise funds for Finland. Neuvostoliitto ilmoittaa suostuvansa aloittamaan neuvottelut Suomen kanssa Talvisodan 98. päivä, 06.maaliskuuta.1940 ^top^ Vihollisen 11. Divisioona aloittaa klo 9 Pitkärannan suunnalla panssarien tukemana hyökkäyksen suomalaisten hallussa olevia saaria vastaan. Vihollisen hyökkäystä edeltää kolmen tunnin mittainen rajutykistövalmistelu: vihollinen ampuu 10 000 tykinlaukausta. Näin Laatokan pohjoispuolella venäläiset murtavat Kitelän suurmotin saartorenkaan Pitkärannan alueella. Suomalaisten vastahyökkäys Vilaniemessä epäonnistuu. Venäläisiä pääsee maihin myös Karjaniemessä ja Niskapohjassa.Venäläiset hyökkäävät yli 2 km leveänä rintamana Sintolanniemen lohkolla Vuoksen yli. Laatokan itärannan saaret, mm. Paimio, Petäjä ja Maksima ovat vihollisen ankaran keskityksen kohteena. Rantasalmen pitäjästä kaatuu 50 miestä. Ulkoministeri Tanner anoo lisäaikaa liittoutuneilta lopullisen avunpyynnön esittämistä varten. Lopulliseksi määräpäiväksi ilmoitetaan 12. päivä kuluvaa kuuta, jolloin Suomen virallinen avunpyyntö on esitettävä. Neuvostoliitto ilmoittaa suostuvansa neuvottelujen aloittamiseen Suomenkanssa Moskovassa, mutta ei suostu aselepoon ennen kuin neuvottelut on saatu käyntiin. Suomen hallitus kokoontuu kahdesti selvittämään neuvottelu-valtuuskunnan kokoonpanoa. Pääministeri Risto Rytin johtama valtuuskunta lähtee illalla Tukholman kautta Moskovaan. Valtuuskuntaan kuuluvat pääministerin lisäksi Paasikivi, Walden ja Voionmaa. Ulkomailta: Juoksijasuuruus Taisto Mäki voittaa San Fransiscossa järjestetyn ensimmäisen Suomi-keräyksen yhteydessä pidetyn juoksukilpailun. Matka on 3 mailia, Mäen aika 14.15,3. Sovjet meddelar att fredsförhandlingar med Finland kan inledas Vinterkrigets 98 dag, den 06 mars 1940 ^top^ Med stöd av pansarvagnar går fiendens 11. Division till attack i riktning Pitkäranta mot de öar som finnarna har kontrollen över. Fiendens anfall föregås av en tre timmars häftig artilleriförberedning: fienden skjuter 10 000 kanonskott. Norr om Ladoga bryter ryssarna ner cerneringsringen vid Kitelä stormotti på området kring Pitkäranta. Finlands motstöt i Vilaniemi misslyckas. Ryssarna lyckas gå i land också vid Karjaniemi och Niskapohja. Ryssarna anfaller på en över 2 km lång front över Vuoksen på avsnittet i Sintolanniemi. Öarna längs den östra stranden av Ladoga, bl.a. Paimo, Petäjä och Maksima är föremål för fiendens stränga koncentration. Över 50 man hemma från Rantasalmi socken stupar. Utrikesminister Tanner begär om extra tid av de allierade för den slutliga anhållan om bistånd. Den sista dagen som Finland kan framföra sin officiella anhållan om bistånd uppges vara den 12 innevarande månad. Sovjetunionen meddelar att fredsförhandlingar med Finland kan inledas i Moskva, men går inte med på vapenvila förrän förhandlingarna har satts igång. Finlands regering samlas två gånger för att fastställa fredsdelegationens sammansättning. Statsminister Risto Ryti leder delegationen som på kvällen reser via Stockholm till Moskva. Till delegationen hör förutom statsministern Paasikivi, Walden och Voionmaa. Utrikes: I San Fransisco vinner den store löparen Taisto Mäki en löptävling som arrangeras i anslutning till den första Finlandsinsamlingen. Sträckan är 3 amerikanska mil och Mäki löper den på tiden 14.15,3. |
1939 Carl
Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann, 86, first to prove that ![]() 1935 Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., in Washington, retired Supreme Court Justice.
1900 Gottlieb Daimler designed first motorcycle
1447 Santa Colette, religiosa francesa. |
which occurred on a March 06: 1936 Marion S. Barry, Black mayor of Washington, D.C. who spent some time in prison on a drug charge.
1910 Eduardo Caballero Calderón, novelista y político colombiano. 1906 Lou Costello Paterson NJ, (Cristillo) (comedian, actor [Abbott and Costello]: "Who's on First?") 1901 Naum Iliich Akhiezer, mathematician whose main work was on function theory and approximation theory; died in 1980. 1885 Ring Lardner US, (sports reporter, humorist, writer: Alibi Ike, You Know Me Al, Elmer the Great, June Moon). He died on 25 September 1933. LARDNER ONLINE: The Big Town: How I and the Mrs. Go to New York to See Life and Get Katie a Husband Complete On-Line Works (illustrated) Gullible's Travels, Etc. You Know Me Al (illustrated) 1870 Oscar Straus, Austrian composer who died on 11 January 1954. 1866 Ettore Bortolotti, university professor of mathematics who worked mostly in topology, analysis, and the history of mathematics; died in 1947 1844 Nicolay Rimsky-Korsakov, Russian composer and editor (Flight of the Bumble Bee). He died on 08 June 1908. 1834 George duMaurier, English caricaturist ('Punch') who died on 06 October 1896. A non-caricature drawing: Two Children in the Snow (21x33cm) 1834 Toronto established ^top^ Toronto, formerly known as York, is incorporated as a city with controversial Canadian politician William Lyon Mackenzie as its first mayor. Initially a fur-trading post, Toronto was later the site of a French fort built to counteract British influence in the Niagara area. In 1793, the site, which had become home to a settlement of American loyalists, was chosen as the capital of Upper Canada and became known as York. In 1834, it was incorporated as the city of Toronto under the leadership of William Lyon Mackenzie. Mackenzie, a Scottish-born journalist, had immigrated to Upper Canada, now known as Ontario, in 1820. Soon after his arrival, Mackenzie became a leader of Canadian opposition to the "Family Compact," an aristocratic political organization that dominated Canadian politics and was made up almost entirely of members of the Church of England. In 1826, his printing press was destroyed, and beginning in 1828, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada by his constituency six times and expelled for "libel" five times. As a leader of the Reform Party of Upper Canada he went to London in 1832 to obtain redress of grievances, and in 1834, he became the first mayor of Toronto. In 1837, Mackenzie, enraged at the defeat of the Reform Party and the oppressive policies of the British lieutenant governor of Canada, launched a rebellion in the hope of seizing Toronto and making it independent of British rule. US citizens across the border sympathized with Mackenzie’s plight, and sent a small steamer across the Niagara to supply the rebel forces with arms. On 29 December, loyalist forces crossed over to the US side where the Caroline was moored, took up its anchor, set it afire, and sent the vessel over the Niagara Falls. One American was killed in the incident, and US General Winfield Scott was sent to the area to prevent a violent American reprisal. Mackenzie’s rebellion was promptly put down and he fled to British-claimed Navy Island in the Niagara River where he set up a provisional government with fortified headquarters. However, he was later arrested and imprisoned for eighteen months by US authorities for violating neutrality laws. The Caroline Affair added to the tense relations between the US and Great Britain in the years before the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842. In 1849, Mackenzie was allowed to return to Canada under a general amnesty proclamation, and in 1851 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of United Canada. His grandson, William Lyon Mackenzie King, became a Canadian prime minister in the twentieth century. ![]() 1724 Henry Laurens, President of Continental Congress (1777-78). He died on 08 December 1792. 1619 Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac, French big-nosed dramatist and novelist, in Paris. He studied under Pierre Gassendi. Cyrano died on 28 July 1655. His works include a tragedy, La Mort d'Agrippine (1654), a comedy, Le Pédant joué 1654), Lettres, and CYRANO ONLINE: BERGERAC ONLINE: L'Autre Monde ou les Etats et Empires de la Lune et du Soleil [Same, other site] (1656) Histoire comique des états et empires du soleil (1662) [Same, other site*] Le ministre d'estat flambé en vers burlesque* Oeuvres comiques galantes et littéraires* Les oeuvres diverses* (* means page images). He was the subject of Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac : comédie héroique en 5 actes, en vers. ![]() 1481 Baldassare Peruzzi, pintor y arquitecto italiano. 1475 Michelangelo Buonarroti Simoni [< image], painter, sculptor, architect, and poet. [Rime]. He died on 18 February 1564. MORE ON MICHELANGELO AT ART 4 MARCH LINKS Madonna della Scala Lotta dei Centauri coi Lapiti Pietà David S. Matteo Mosè Schiavi // in affresco nella volta della Cappella Sistina: 9 riquadri (Caos Creazione dell'uomo Peccato Diluvio Noè ebbro) 8 timpani posti tra le 12 nicchie monumentali, Profeti Sibille Ignudi. 1405 John II, King of Castile (1406-54) who died on 21 July 1454. |