4 2DAY
|Mar 11 >> Events, deaths, births, of MAR 10 [For Mar 10 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Mar 20 1700s: Mar 21 1800s: Mar 22 1900~2099: Mar 23] |
![]() 2002 In the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville), President Denis Sassou-Nguesso [< photo] wins an election from which his main rivals are excluded. General Sassou-Nguesso (born in 1943) became a Soviet-backed Marxist dictator in a 1979 coup, lost a 1992 election, seized power again on 16 October 1997 after a civil war. 2001 El primer ministro japonés Yoshiro Mori anuncia a los líderes de su partido (PLD) su intención de abandonar el cargo gubernamental y también la presidencia de su formación política. 2000 Chechen patriots counterattack the Russian aggressors in Saadi-Khutor. 2000 The NASDAQ Composite Index closes at a record 5048.63, its all-time high for years to come. The bubble is soon to burst, which was inflated by heavy technology spending to combat the Y2K false alarm, and exuberant optimism about the Internet. The NASDAQ index's calendar year lows would be 2332.78 on 18 December 2000, 1423.19 on 17 September 2001, 1108.48 on 10 October 2002. [1998~2002 chart >]. NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) was started in 1971 (with its index at 100) by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) to improve the transparency of what was then known as the over-the-counter market for unlisted stocks. The Nasdaq Composite Index covers all 5000-or-so common stocks listed on Nasdaq, each one weighed by its market capitalization. 1999 El día en que se conmemora el 40º aniversario del fracasado alzamiento en el Tibet contra la ocupación china, el Dalai Lama propone a las autoridades de Pekín una negociación sobre una "verdadera autonomía" para el territorio a cambio de su renuncia a la independencia.
1990 El criminal dictador chileno Augusto Pinochet abandona la presidencia y el Palacio de la Moneda tras las elecciones presidenciales que conceden la victoria a Patricio Aylwin. 1988 José Manuel Caballero Bonald gana el IV Premio Internacional de Novela Plaza y Janés con la obra En la casa del padre. 1986 Cristóbal Zaragoza obtiene el premio Plaza & Janés con Al fin, la libertad. 1985 El presidente de Grecia, Konstantinos Karamanlis, dimite de la jefatura del Estado. 1983 Reelección del general Suharto, candidato único a la presidencia de Indonesia. 1982 Sygyzy: all 9 planets aligned on same side of Sun. Los Angeles is not destroyed as a result of the so-called alignment of “Jupiter ... with Mars and with the other seven planets of the solar system” , nor do other cataclysmic events occur which astrophysicist (?) John Gribbin had predicted in The Jupiter Effect. (The planets, as seen from Earth, are, at their closest on this day, spread across 130º of the sky) |
L'île de Philae est réouverte au public. ^top^ Après 10 ans d’étude et de travaux, l’île de Philae est réouverte au public. Cette petite île de 460 mètres de longueur sur 150 mètres de largeur, est surnommée la perle de l’Égypte. C’est une des bosses de l’énorme barre de roches granitiques qui, sur plusieurs kilomètres, constitue la première cataracte du Nil, au sud immédiat d’Assouan. En ce lieu consacré à la déesse Isis, Nectanébo Ier fit construire un élégant pavillon vers 370 (A.C.N.), à la pointe méridionale de l’île. Le monument principal est cependant le temple d’Isis qui en occupe la partie centrale; il a été édifié par les souverains lagides sur un sanctuaire antérieur, qui serait l’œuvre d’Amasis, pharaon de la XXVIème dynastie dont le nom est attesté sur de nombreux blocs de remploi. Limitée de part et d’autre par un portique à colonnes, une allée donnait accès au premier pylône du temple, haut de 18 mètres ; les reliefs de sa façade évoquent des exploits guerriers : en présence des divinités Isis, Horus d’Edfou et Hathor, le roi Ptolémée XII Néos Dionysos massacre les ennemis captifs, thème classique de l’iconographie pharaonique. En avant subsistent les restes endommagés de deux lions de granite, comme il y en a souvent devant les temples du Soudan et de Nubie ; ils étaient primitivement accompagnés de deux obélisques. Sur le côté ouest de la grande cour se dresse le mammisi, décoré par Ptolémée VIII Évergète II et achevé sous le règne de Tibère. Ce petit bâtiment annexe, consacré à la déesse Isis et au dieu-enfant Horus-Harpocrate — auquel était identifié le roi —, servait de cadre à la célébration du mystère de la naissance divine. Le temple d’Isis est entouré d’un portique ; au-dessus des murs d’entrecolonnement, les colonnes dressent leurs chapiteaux, aux thèmes floraux très variés, que surmontent les têtes hathoriques coiffées d’une sorte de naos : la protection de la déesse de l’amour convenait particulièrement à ce sanctuaire de la naissance ; en traversant une cour et deux salles, on parvenait au sanctuaire où sont figurés l’enfance d’Horus-Harpocrate ; d’autres représentations du mammisi illustrent la naissance d’Horus et des scènes de musique devant le nouveau-né. Par un deuxième pylône, où l’on voit Ptolémée XII faisant des offrandes devant plusieurs divinités, on pénétrait dans une autre cour du temple d’Isis, suivie d’un vestibule à colonnes et d’antichambres. Dans le saint des saints subsiste le Naos, tabernacle en granite qui autrefois abritait la statue cultuelle d’Isis. Un escalier conduit à la chapelle d’Osiris, où des cérémonies étaient célébrées pour la mort du dieu. À l’ouest, une porte monumentale édifiée par l’empereur Hadrien est ornée de scènes osiriennes et d’une représentation célèbre des sources du Nil. À l’est du temple d’Isis se trouvait le petit sanctuaire d’Hathor, déesse de l’Amour, commencé par les Ptolémées et continué par Auguste. Sur les colonnes, des animaux jouant d’instruments de musique semblent annoncer les reliefs grotesques de certains chapiteaux romans. Le dieu Bès, protecteur de l’amour et des accouchements, danse et joue du tambourin ou de la double flûte afin de chasser les démons malfaisants. Plus au sud, le kiosque de Trajan dresse ses élégantes colonnes. Sur l’île s’élevaient encore bien d’autres monuments, comme le temple d’Harendotès, c’est-à-dire " Horus vengeur de son père ", ou celui d’Auguste ; un autre était consacré à Imhotep, l’architecte de Djéser, divinisé par la suite ; deux nilomètres permettaient de mesurer le niveau du fleuve. La renommée de Philae fut immense dans l’Antiquité. De très loin on venait en pèlerinage dans le temple d’Isis. Même pendant la période Chrétienne des premiers siècles. Les chefs-d’œuvre d’architecture de Philae apparurent condamnés lorsqu’au début de ce siècle on érigea le barrage d’Assouan ; les ruines devaient être désormais immergées presque totalement durant la plus grande partie de l’année ; elles ne devenaient accessibles que pendant quelques semaines d’été, lorsqu’on ouvrait le barrage pour permettre aux eaux limoneuses et fertilisantes de s’écouler dans la vallée. Paradoxalement, Philae a pu être sauvée grâce au haut barrage d’Assouan (le Sadd al‘Ali) construit à quelques kms en amont. Pour sauver les monuments de la Nubie, on avait pensé tout d’abord protéger l’île par une série de trois barrages annexes qui prendraient appui sur la rive du fleuve d’une part et sur la grande île de Biggeh d’autre part. Mais les difficultés techniques et surtout le coût de l’opération ont fait écarter ce projet. La solution finalement adoptée fut celle du transfert des temples de Philae dans la petite île d’Agilkia, à 300 mètres plus au nord. Cette entreprise gigantesque a été menée grâce au concours de l’UNESCO qui a lancé une campagne internationale en vue de réunir les fonds nécessaires. La première phase des travaux, commencés en 1972, a consisté à édifier des batardeaux préserver temporairement les monuments de Philae tout en aménageant l’îlot d’Agilkia en vue de sa nouvelle destination. L’opération de démontage a duré trois années pleines de mai 1974 à mai 1977, et deux ans furent ensuite nécessaires pour reconstituer minutieusement le puzzle sur Agilkia. Depuis le 10 mars 1980, jour de l’inauguration du site, Philae est de nouveau accessible aux visiteurs. |
1979 Toma posesión el nuevo presidente de Venezuela,
Luis Herrera Campins. 1977 Rings of Uranus discovered during occultation of SAO. 1977 Indonesia continúa el establecimiento de su red de telecomunicaciones, que abarcará la totalidad de las islas que forman el estado, gracias a la puesta en órbita del satélite Palapa 2.
1971 Los tupamaros secuestran al fiscal general uruguayo, Guido Berro.
1966 North Vietnamese capture US Green Beret Camp at
Ashau Valley 1957 Thousands of soccer fans riot in Italy 1956 Peter Twiss sets new world air record 1823 km/h. 1952 El general Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar da un golpe de Estado en Cuba. 1949 Nazi wartime broadcaster Mildred E. Gillars "Axis Sally" is convicted of treason, in Washington D.C.. She would serve 12 years in prison. [so much for free speech, though she got off easy compared with Irish Lord Haw-Haw who was executed by the British] 1945 Les japonais s'emparent de l'Indochine. 1945 En el transcurso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, trescientos aviones estadounidenses bombardean Tokio durante seis horas, con efectos devastadores. 1941 El mariscal Henri Philippe Benomi Omer Pétain solicita a EE.UU. que procedan al envío de trigo a la Francia no ocupada.
1938 En el transcurso de la Guerra Civil española, el cuerpo de ejército marroquí toma Belchite, mientras que las tropas nacionales prosiguen su avance por Aragón. 1933 Una comisión parlamentaria proclama que el Gobierno español no ordenó los fusilamientos de Casas Viejas.
1923 Se detectan en Málaga cuatro casos de peste bubónica.
Tsar Nicholas II unwittingly turns unrest into revolution
(on 25 February Julian = 10 March Gregorian) ^top^ On 08 March (23 February Julian) thousands of women textile workers in Petrograd shut down their factories, partly in commemoration of International Women's Day but mainly to protest bread shortages, thus adding to the already large number of men and women on strike. Strikers marched through the streets shouting "Give us bread" (Daite khleb and Khleba, khleba). Crowds headed toward the city center. Demonstrators -- who were in a nasty mood -- broke store windows, halted street-cars, and forced other workers to join them. During the next two days, encouraged by hundreds of experienced rank-and-file socialist activists, workers in factories and shops throughout the capital went on strike. By 10 March, virtually every industrial enterprise in Petrograd is shut down, as are many commercial and service enterprises. The demands -- visible on banners and audible in the shouts of demonstrators and in speeches at rallies -- escalate, again with the encouragement of activists, from demands for bread to appeals to end the war and abolish the autocracy. Demonstrators march and protest all the more boldly when police and cossacks, under orders to show restraint, hesitate to stop them. Students, white-collar workers, and teachers join workers in the streets and at public meetings. Although the protests and meetings are generally peaceful, the potential for mass violence is barely contained: some workers carry sticks, nuts, bolts, screws, pieces of metal, and, occasionally, pistols; crowds smash shop windows, especially the windows of food and bread stores; looters become more common; demonstrators attack and beat police officers -- fatally on a couple of occasions. Although socialist activists condemn the violence and vandalism, the outbreaks become more frequent. Meanwhile, liberal and socialist deputies in the Duma shrilly denounce the current government and again demand a responsible cabinet of ministers. Nicholas receives ambiguous information about the seriousness of events. Reports are also partially overshadowed by news that his children have been stricken with measles just after he left Tsarskoe Selo. On 09 and 10 March, word of the disturbances reached him at Headquarters -- in Alexandra's letters and in telegrams from War Minister Mikhail Beliaev, Minister of Internal Affairs Protopopov, and the military commander of Petrograd, General Sergei Khabalov. Alexandra discounts the disturbances: "Its a hooligan movement, young boys and girls running about and screaming that they have no bread, only to excite -- and then the workmen preventing others from work -- if it were very cold they would. probably stay indoors. But this will all pass and quiet down -- if the Duma would only behave itself". Although the official reports are more thorough in describing the scale of the disturbances -- the spreading strikes, the demands for bread, the mass demonstrations on Nevsky Prospect (Petrograd's main throughfare and the symbol of its urbanity), and the attacks on police officers -- they also assure Nicholas that the police and the army are having no difficulty in controlling the disorders. This is far from accurate. About 21:00 on 10 March, General Khabalov receives a telegram from Nicholas that would transform the unrest into revolution: "I command you tomorrow to stop the disorders in the capital, which are unacceptable in the difficult time of war with Germany and Austria." Meeting with his unit commanders an hour later, Khabalov ordered them to use all necessary force to disperse crowds, including firing at demonstrators, and he issued a proclamation to the population, posted the next morning, banning demonstrations and warning that this order would be enforced with arms. He also publicly warned strikers that they would be conscripted and sent to the front if they did not return to work by the 13 March. In the evening of 10 March, the Council of Ministers is informed of the tsar's command to use military force to restore order. A majority of the ministers dismiss Protopopov's sanguine assurances that all would be well and suggest forming a new cabinet in consultation with the Duma as the only way to end the disorders. They delegate two members to begin negotiations with the Duma. Five days later, the Petrograd insurgents have taken over the capital and Czar Nicholas II is forced to abdicate. A provisional government composed mainly of moderates is established, and the Soviet--a coalition of workers’ and soldiers’ committees--calls for an end to violent revolutionary activity. Meanwhile, Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Bolshevik revolutionary party, leaves his exile in Switzerland and crosses German enemy lines to arrive at Petrograd on 16 April 1917. The Bolshevik Party, founded in 1903, was a militant group of professional revolutionaries who sought to overthrow the czarist government of Russia and set up a Marxist government in its place. On 06 November 1917, the Bolsheviks seize control of the Russian state in the October Revolution, and Lenin becomes virtual dictator of the country. However, civil war and foreign intervention delay complete Bolshevik control of Russian until 1920. Lenin’s Soviet government nationalizes industry and distributes land, and on December 30, 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USS.R.) is established. In the USSR, the Communist Party controls all levels of government, and the Party’s politburo, with its increasingly powerful general secretary, effectively rules the country. Soviet industry is owned and managed by the state, and agricultural land is divided into state-run collective farms. In the decades after its establishment, the Russian-dominated Soviet Union grows into one of the world’s most powerful and influential states, and eventually encompasses fifteen republics--Russia, the Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. |
1902 In Edison v. American Mutoscope Company,
the US Court of Appeals rules that Thomas Edison did not invent the movie
camera, but only the sprocket system that moves perforated film through
the movie camera.
1893 New Mexico State University cancels it's first graduation ceremony, its only graduate Sam Steele was robbed and killed the night before. 1885 Se presenta a Alfonso XII, Rey de España, la Memorial des Greuges o Memoria en defensa de los intereses de Cataluña. 1880 Le premier groupe de Salutistes ou membres de l'Armée du Salut s'embarque pour les États Unis. Fondées par un jeune prédicateur méthodiste, William Booth, l'Armée du Salut prend ce nom en 1878. De sévères bagarres opposent ses membres à des bandes de voyous qui manifestent à coups de fruits pourris ou même de pierres au cours des réunions en plein air organisées par William Booth et de ses fidèles. Le but de l'Armée du Salut était d'apporter aux pauvres, aux déshérités, une aide à la fois matérielle et morale.
1865 Siege of New Madrid, Missouri continues. 1865 Engagement at Monroe's Cross Roads, South Carolina. 1865 Union General Sherman's "army group" occupies Fayetteville, North Carolina 1864 Ulysses S. Grant becomes commander of the Union armies during the US Civil War. 1862 Battle of Kinston (Wise's Fork), North Carolina concludes. 1862 first paper money issued by US gov't$5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000.
1794 Robespierre, qui estime depuis plusieurs mois qu'il faut arrêter de faire des concessions aux sans-culottes dont certains que l'on nommait les "indulgents" prêchaient la clémence et la paix avec l'étranger. Il fait arrêter Danton et les Montagnards. Ils seront exécutés le 05 Apr. 1793 C'est la révolte en Vendée. Exaspérées par le décret sur la levée de 300'000 hommes voté par la Convention le 24 Feb 1793, et aussi par la Constitution civile du clergé qui heurte leurs croyances, ainsi que par les difficultés économiques, les populations paysannes, soutenues par les nobles et par les prêtres réfractaires, constituent une armée qu'ils qualifient de "catholique et romaine". 1791 Pope condemns France's Civil Constitution of the clergy. 1785 Thomas Jefferson is appointed US minister to France, succeeding Benjamin Franklin. 1681 English Quaker William Penn, 26, received a charter from Charles II, making him sole proprietor of the colonial American territory known today as the state of Pennsylvania. 1629 England's King Charles I dissolved Parliament. He would not call it back for 11 years. 1526 Carlos I se casa en Sevilla con su prima, la infanta Isabel de Portugal. Las cortes de Castilla aprueban la boda ya que es nieta de los Reyes Católicos. La nueva reina y emperatriz se convierte rápidamente en una eficaz colaboradora política de su marido. 1496 Christopher Columbus concludes his second visit to the Western Hemisphere as he leaves Hispaniola for Spain. 1126 Alfonso VII entra en León y se proclama rey de Castilla y León. 0418 Jews are excluded from public office in the Roman Empire --241 -BC Battle of Aegusa: Roman fleet sinks 50 Carthagean ships |
which occurred on a March 10: 2002 Israeli Staff Sergeant Kobi Eichelboim, 21, from Givatayim, and Mohammed Katawi, 21, of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, who, in the morning, attacks the Gaza Strip enclave settlement of Netzarim, wounding Eichelboim (who dies in the afternoon) and is shot by a security officer, whom he had stabbed. 2001 Christie Jeyaratnam Eliezer, 83, in his residence in Melbourne, Australia. Mathematician, Tamil activist. He was born in 1918 in Jaffna. He was honored by the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in October 1997 with the title of Maamanithar (a Great Man) for his contribution to the good of Tamil people both in Tamil Eelam and Australia. 2000 Vicente García Presa, poeta y periodista español 2000 Javier Vilató, pintor español. 1999 Oswaldo Guayasamín, artista ecuatoriano. 1998 Markus Wachtel, 13, strangled by a 19-year-old, in Peine, Germany. Markus's body would be found in a gravel pit, dismembered. The murderer (his name not made public) would be sentenced on 30 April 2001 to 6 years in a youth prison. 1994 Charles Bukowski, escritor estadounidense.
1981 Yaroslav Borisovich Lopatynsky, 74, made advances in partial differential equations.
1962 Juan March, político, empresario y financiero español. 1948 Evgeny Evgenievich Slutsky, 67, developped statistical theories, which he applied to economics and to sciences.
Day 102 of Winter War: USSR aggression against Finland. ^top^ More deaths due to Stalin's desire to grab Finnish territory. Difficult negotiations in Moscow. Major attack and advance of 4 kilometers by enemy in Vilajoki sector. The situation in Viipurinlahti bay remains critical: the Red Army is constantly funnelling new troops and equipment into the area. The Russians are working to extend their bridgehead on the western side of the bay. The aim of the Soviet troops is to use the bridgehead as a staging post to get round to the west of Viipuri and cut the Finnish troops defending the city off from their vital supply lines to the interior. The enemy is attempting to take the city of Viipuri itself by a straight frontal assault, while the troops to the northeast of the city are making a drive towards Antrea. During the course of the afternoon the enemy breaks through the Finnish defences in the western part of Nisalahti village and carries on three kilometres to the north. The unfolding events in Viipurinlahti bay mean the Finnish troops have lost use of the main defensive positions on the Isthmus and will have to fight from now on in totally unprepared positions. Some of the Finnish troops are suffering from battle fatigue, while others are raw, inexperienced troops; the chain of command and the responsibilities of the officers are also having to be constantly reworked. Fresh troops are concentrated around Viipurinlahti bay, including a cavalry brigade from Ladoga Karelia. Aerial reconnaissance reports 200 enemy assault tanks in Pullinniemi. On the Karelian Isthmus, the enemy overruns the countryside around Leitimo manor on the Tali Isthmus. The Soviet troops launch their assault in the morning and break through the Finnish defences to a depth of 4 kilometers. The Soviet force in Ladoga Karelia is able to establish a good grip on the southern tips of the Lapoinniemi and Kuivaniemi promontories on the shores of Lake Ladoga. As night falls, the defending Finnish troops withdraw. In Vuosalmi the enemy is concentrating its efforts on the Liete meadows to the northeast of Vasikkasaari. Finland's former president, P.E. Svinhufvud is in Berlin to seek help for Finland, but is unable to gain access to members of the German leadership. The Finnish and Soviet negotiators meet for a second round of talks in the Kremlin at 14:00 today. The meeting lasts two hours. Finland is in an awkward negotiating position. Contact with the Government at home has to be conducted via Stockholm and telegrams can take up to 12 hours to reach their destination. The Finnish negotiators attempt to haggle over the Soviet terms, but without success. The deadline of 12 March set by the Allies is also getting ominously close. Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton valtuuskunnat kokoontuvat neuvotteluun Moskovassa Talvisodan 102. päivä, 10.maaliskuuta.1940 Tilanne Viipurinlahdella jatkuu kriittisenä: Neuvostoarmeija tuo alueelle koko ajan lisää kalustoa ja joukkoja. Puna-armeija pyrkii laajentamaan sillanpääasemaansa lahden länsirannalla. Neuvostojoukkojen tavoite on sillanpääasemasta käsin pyrkiä Viipurin länsipuolelle ja katkaista suomalaisille elintärkeät yhteydet sisämaahan. Viipurin kaupungin vihollinen pyrkii valtaamaan suoralla rintamahyökkäyksellä, ja kaupungin koillispuolella venäläisten tavoiteena on Antrea. Iltapäivällä vihollinen murtaa suomalaisten puolustusasemat Nisalahden kylän länsiosassa ja etenee kolme kilometriä pohjoiseen. Kehitys Viipurinlahdella merkitsee sitä, että suomalaiset ovat menettäneet pääpuolustusaseman ja joutuvat jatkossa taistelemaan täysin varustamattomissa asemissa. Osa suomalaisista joukoista on taistelun uuvuttamia ja osa taisteluihin tottumattomia, myös johtosuhteita ja tehtäviä joudutaan muuttelemaan yhtenään. Lentorykmentti 1:n tiedustelu-lentojen perusteella todetaan Pullinniemessä olevan 200 vihollisen hyökkäysvaunua. Karjalan kannaksella vihollinen valtaa Leitimon kartanon maaston Talin kannaksella. Neuvostojoukot aloittavat aamulla hyökkäyksen ja murtautuvat 4 kilometriä puolustusaseman syvyyteen. Laatokan Karjalassa neuvostojoukot pääsevät pureutumaan Laatokan rannikolla Lapoinniemen ja Kuivaniemen eteläosiin. Yön tullessa suomalaiset vetäytyvät. Viipurinlahdelle keskitetään uusia joukkoja mm. Ratsuväkiprikaati Laatokan-Karjalasta. Entinen presidentti P. E. Svinhufvud on Suomen asioissa matkalla Berliinissä, mutta ei onnistu tapaamaan Saksan johtohenkilöitä. Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton valtuuskunnat kokoontuvat toiseen neuvotteluun Moskovan Kremlissä klo 14. Tapaaminen kestää kaksi tuntia. Suomen neuvottelutilanne on hankala. Yhteydet omaan hallitukseen on hoidettava Tukholman kautta ja sähkeet saattavat viipyä matkalla jopa 12 tuntia. Suomen neuvottelijat yrittävät tinkiä vastapuolen ehdoista. - Tuloksetta. Vuosalmella vihollisen toimien painopiste on Lietteen niityillä Vasikkasaaresta koilliseen. Myös liittoutuneiden antama lopullinen määräpäivä 12. maaliskuuta lähestyy uhkaavasti. Finlands och Sovjetunionens delegationer förhandlar i Moskva Vinterkrigets 102 dag, den 10 mars 1940 Situationen i Viborgska viken är fortfarande kritisk: den sovjetiska armén förser hela tiden området med mera förnödenheter och flera trupper. Röda Armén strävar efter att utvidga sin brohuvudställning på den västra stranden av viken. Sovjettruppernas mål är att utifrån brohuvudet tränga in väster om Viborg och skära av de för finnarna livsviktiga förbindelserna till inlandet. Fienden försöker inta Viborgs stad med ett direkt frontangrepp. Nordost om staden är målet att inta S:t Andree. På eftermiddagen krossar fienden Finlands försvarsställning i den västra delen av Nisalahti by och rycker fram tre kilometer norrut. Utvecklingen i Viborgska viken innebär att finnarna har förlorat huvudförsvarsställningen och är tvungna att i fortsättningen strida i fullständigt obefästa ställningar. En del av finnarna är utmattade av striderna och en del ovana att strida, man tvingas också ändra på ledningen och uppgifterna hela tiden. Flygregemente 1:s spaningsflygare konstaterar att det finns 200 av fiendens stridsvagnar i Pulliniemi. På Karelska näset erövrar fienden terrängen som hör till Leitimo gård på Tali näs. De ryska trupperna går till attack på morgonen och gör en 4 kilometers kil i försvarsställningen. I Ladoga-Karelen biter sig ryska trupper fast i Ladogas kust vid de södra delarna av Lapoinniemi och Kuivaniemi. När det blir natt drar sig finnarna tillbaka. Nya trupper koncentreras till Viborgska viken, bl.a. en kavalleribrigad från Ladoga-Karelen. Förra presidenten P. E. Svinhufvud har rest till Berlin i Finlands ärenden, men lyckas inte träffa Tysklands ledare. Delegationerna för Finland och Sovjetunionen samlas till den andra förhandlingen i Kreml kl. 14. Mötet räcker två timmar. Det är svårt för Finland att förhandla. Kontakterna till den egna regeringen sker via Stockholm och ibland räcker det till och med 12 timmar för telegrammen att gå fram. Den finska delegationen försöker pruta på motpartens villkor. Utan resultat. Också det slutliga datumet som fastställts av de västallierade, den 12 mars, närmar sig hotfullt. I Vuosalmi fokuserar fienden på ängarna i Liete nordost om Vasikkasaari. |
1930 Miguel Primo de Rivera, militar y político español.
1906 Some 1060 by coal dust explosion at Courrières, France. 1888 Thomas Roof, Black, lynched in Dade County, Georgia, accused of assaulting a White woman in the attempt to rape her. 1872 Giuseppe Mazzini, escritor y patriota italiano. 1871 Anton Einsle, Austrian artist born in 1801.
1856 Ludovico Lipparini, Italian artist born on 17 February 1800. 1855 Carlos María Isidro de Borbón, pretendiente carlista al trono de España. 1826 Juan VI, Rey de Portugal. 1821 Juan Germán Roscio, político y jurista venezolano. 1745 Jan-Peter van Bredael I, Flemish artist born on 28 April 1654. 1573 Hans Mülich (or Mielich), German painter born in 1515. LINKS 1592 Michiel van Coxcie the Flemish Raphäel, born in 1499, he studied under Bernaert van Orley. MORE ON VAN COXCIE AT ART 4 MARCH LINKS The Circumcision of Christ (detail) Original Sin The Torture of St George 1528 Balthaser Hubmaier, 48, German reformer and chief writer for the Anabaptist movement. Arrested in Moravia, Hubmaier had been condemned at Vienna and is burned at the stake. 0483 Saint Simplicius, Pope |
which occurred on a March 10: 1965 The Odd Couple, play byNeil Simon, opens on Broadway.
1940 David Rabe, playwright. 1936 Manuel Vicent, escritor y periodista español. 1935 José Antonio Labordeta, cantautor, escritor y político español, diputado por la Chunta Aragonesista. 1932 Lecciones de introducción al psicoanálisis de Sigmund Freud se publica.
1910 Pablo Serrano, escultor español. 1903 Clare Boothe Luce, US playwright and politician, was born. Shr died on 09 October 1987. 1892 Arthur Honegger Le Havre France, composer (King David; film scores: Crime and Punishment) 1869 Benjamin Fedorovich Kagan, worked on the foundations of geometry; died in 1953 1864 William Fogg Osgood, his main work was on the convergence of sequences of continuous functions, solutions of differential equations, the calculus of variations and space filling curves. He died in 1943. 1858 Henry W. Fowler, English lexicographer and philologist who died on 26 December 1933. 1853 Luigi Rossi, Swiss artist who died on 06 August 1923. 1845 (26 February Julian) Aleksandr Aleksandrovich III , second son of Aleksandr II who was assassinated on 13 March (01 March Julian) 1881. He inherited the next day the autocratic power and used it to try to Russify the national minorities in the Russian empire and to persecute religions other than the Orthodox. He died on 01 November 20 October Julian) 1894. 1843 Hugo Oehmichen, German artist who died in 1932.
1814 Julián Sanz del Río, escritor y pensador español. 1808 José Francisco de Castro y Orozco, literato y político español. 1791 Ángel de Saavedra Ramírez de Baquedano, duque de Rivas, político liberal y escritor romántico español. 1789 Augustin Alexandre Thierrat, French artist who died on 13 April 1870. 1787 William Etty, British painter specialized in nudes, who died on 13 November 1849. LINKS Reclining Female Nude, The Storm 1787 Francisco Martínez de la Rosa, político español. 1772 Friedrich von Schlegel, German writer and critic who died on 12 January 1829. 1760 Leandro Fernández de Moratín, dramaturgo español. 1748 John Playfair among the first in Britain to teach modern analysis; died in 1819. 1629 Alejo Mijailovitch, zar de Rusia. 1622 Johann Heinrich Rahn, first to use the symbol ÷ for division in his algebra book published in 1659; died in 1676. 1549 San Francisco Solano, "apóstol de Perú", misionero español. 1538 Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk; son of poet Henry Howard earl of Surrey (born in 1517, executed on 19 January 1547 for being a Catholic and alledgedly intriguing to have his father succeed Heny VIII), executed by order of Queen Elizabeth on 02 June 1572 for being a Catholic and allegedly intriguing against her.. 1503 Fernando I de Alemania, fundador del Imperio Austriaco. |